🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

The TFK Silver Membership plan really pays for itself with forecasting like this. :clap:

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Are we potentially looking at a storm far bigger than anything we’ve recently got next weekend?


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Tis fierce blowy in the capital

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360mls of rain since Thursday morning. I am very happy about this.

Fair play if you’re coming back to go to the Hyde

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As windy as @Il_Bomber_Destro during August

I’ll struggle to make it this week

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Ok, this is getting worrysome. 459mls since Thursday morning, there is a gale blowing and serious branches are coming off trees. Sheets of rain. The dog just sits there staring at me, as he wants to go out. I open door, he approaches, stops and looks at me with his “I’m not going out in that shit” look.
I’m inside at the weekend. I’m never inside at the weekend. I don’t know what to do. Herself at work. I’m bored.

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Well. That didn’t take long. Wan minute ye’re praying for rain the next ye’re whinging that there’s too much of it Fuxake. Ye’re worse than the fucking farmers.


Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks paternity leave. Can not wait. We had grand plans for a picnic today but gonna batten the hatches and go for a family nap now. I’ll catch some WAFL in the arvo. It’s Shiraz weather.

Australians are a very fickle shower.

How were the 2 weeks put down pal? I couldn’t take mine when baby was born so taking them starting this Monday. Tomorrow will be a day for a bag of cans with radio and tv blaring but best foot forward Monday then. Did you get out for a run or a gym session?

Sky lighting up like Cape Canaveral out there. Thunder n Lightning in Clare??

Is it gone? Maybe the Russians bombed Shannon.

I was iffy on whether to delay the second week off until a few months down the track but glad I didn’t. Mrs N is expressing so I’ve been doing the 11pm and 6am feeds - really takes it out of you. Definitely a touch of cabin fever so had to go for a run/gym every day to keep the sanity. You’re a bit further down the track than me so it might be a tad more enjoyable. Has your man had the vaccinations yet?

Tis pretty serious out there

A cunt of a day and I’m heading to Dublin in a couple of hours


Stay safe lads, sounds bad.