The Weather Thread

Light rain fall presently in Limerick City.

Heavy rain in Galway

Lashing down in Clare

Only a status yellow tonight, lads. Practically bone dry.

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@Bandage, does it look safe for a run around GCD in the morning at the moment?

Very much so, pal. The sun’s meant to be shining tomorrow morning post rainfall in any case too.

According to the weather boffins on boards, who are usually accurate, prepare to freeze your bollix off.
It’s going to get very very cold.

Minus 15 cold? Or Paddy cold?

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Normally I would say a bit of cold weather is no harm given how mild its been. But given the amount of water around the place, there could be fuckin havoc alltogether

Don’t mind those fucking spastics… Fuckers barred me twice over there for nothing.

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Dunno. Paddy cold I’d say.

I doubt the weather nerds would know how. Christ some of the mods on there would make your teeth ache. Some very informative threads in a sea of dross by and large, with some pathetic wankers given the skull.

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You are on a weather forum?

Yep. I find it most interesting. And informative. And by and large accurate. Great at predicting heat waves too. There’s none of them due.


What’s with the “like” fagan? Chin up and shoulders back now. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

I’ve been giving out likes left right and centre for years but that @Rocko has had a set against me for years and produced a falsified document designed to paint me as an anti social selfish loner. I had considered boycotting likes as a protest but as usual I decided to rise above it and continue with my usual carefree style.


You’re the bigger man.

I am.


Its the best forum on boards by a long shot.


In the winter