The Weather Thread

Had they even gotten around to fixing the road there since the last one? I remember it had been cracked for a while. Thats some serious damage.

Do we know was it the weather or limerick scumbags that did the damage?

I hope Imogen sews it into ye cunts

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+1. I hope Cork finally washes away.

Ye? I’m in Cork, kid.

You’d be like Bruce Willis in armegeddon.

The hero?

Rough out down here in the Lower Harbour area today. Flew in from London last night and it was one of the worst landings I can remember…

no you’re not

Yes, I am… Do you want me to take a picture of Mahon point from my balcony in Rochestown?


There you go, pal.


can you do a selfie?

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No, I’m stone cold useless at that lark.

grand so

Global Storming mate.

Will The Mardyke be able to take the rain for tomorrows big game or has The Lee already burst its banks?

This weather is playing havoc with the election posters.
I had a frightening confrontation with Michael Lowry* whilst walking to the shop at lunchtime.

Well, it was a big poster of Lowry that was flying through the main st.

We need politicans who can weather storms.
Discard any politican who’s posters blew down from your reckoning.


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