The Weather Thread

Lots of wheelie bins knocked over on my commute this morning in South Dublin. Items destined for recycling strewn over the road and footpath

It was stinking hot and a bit of a kip. Back on home soil now

Beautiful morning here in the capital. The sky is a baby blue which is also my favourite colour in t-shirts funnily enough.

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This lass was signing the weather yesterday evening for deaf folk. She didn’t have huge breasts but it was a gamey enough outfit and there was a pleasant bounce as she was doing the sign actions.

Where are you going?



Was she signing "his slong was this thick (pic 1) and this long (pic 2)?

Are you off to Monaghan, pal? This lady has you fucked…dragging you up there, making you go to mass and watch football… Christ.

All the best @bandage

Bye bye kid.

There’s no time for the fartlek about south Monaghan. They never took to it at all.

Abroad for work, mate.


You are in your bollox… She saw you coming a mile off.

Hang on to your hats folks.

Those in the southern half of the country is in for a serious battering tonight.
The high winds will also be combined with a high tide at 6am. Expected to lead to widespread flooding. This has potential to be the biggest storm of the year so far.

Some amount of rain fell last night. How’s the Shannon these days I wonder.

Has there been more storms than ever before or is it that they’re all named now so we hear more about them? Seems to be 1 every week or 10 days at the moment.

Clancy strand, O’Callaghan Strand and the Condell road were closed this morning anyways.

There was a tree down on the N69 in Kilcornan.

Sea wall broke in Kilkee :frowning: Must have been some waves

We’ve been getting a serious battering since 9.32pm last night.