The Weather Thread

Driving in Sydney traffic mate, fucking nightmare.

You must have the reading affected by the engine heat? It hardly topped 40 yesterday.

I had a Baileys & milk before i went to bed, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Had me sleeping like a baby, through the heat.

It absolutely topped 40 yesterday, it was a fucking horrendous day. I had to play 5 a side in it that evening, not fun.

I presume you’ve adapted your game to dovetail with the strengths of a one-eyed forty-something paper salesman?

I have absolutely, turning with the ball will always be a problem, but my natural talent for shooting with the outside of my laser guided left foot has blossomed this year, with a plethora of goals scored.
I’m not a paper salesman by the way, I have no idea where that came from, or what it’s relevance to 5 a side football is. I am a brand management consultant.
The blokes we played last night have won every game so far and had a goal dif of +129 going into last nights game. Terrific footballers and gents to a man. They beat us 8-4 naturally, but we gave a very good account of ourselves considering we had no subs as usual. It’s so much easier playing against blokes who want to play football as opposed to roaster, bogan types who want to kick seven shades out of you.

Stay away from the ESFA leagues so @Fitzy. Ignorance is a must

No fear of that Loko, I’ll be too busy managing an U13’s NPL team over the serious football season.

Imagine what it was like for your team mates.

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Heavy snow in Cork South Central.

Have my citizenship test in April, is it piss easy or do I actualy have to prepare for it? @Loko_Cove did you get the application in?

No, still haven’t put it in. How long were you waiting for the test?

I sent the application in mid January and got notification of the test date today. Test April 21st, so seems to be a fairly quick process.

It’s straightforward enough but I’d familiarise myself with this booklet pretty well;

Dates/Flags/states & territories, that kind of thing are quizzed.

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Don’t panic too much as yet @Fitzy. Should things be heading south don’t be afraid to mention your sterling service on TFK.
The forum will run a blitz poll confirming our opinion that you be kept down there.

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Storm Jake really made his presence felt last night. Same clap of thunder at 3.30am that woke the house and killed the power. No Nutribullet so.

This will be interesting :popcorn:

Got the same about 2.30…rattled the fuck out of the house…I was already delerious after going to bed with a hoody on and a hot water bottle after drinking a lemsip… I was dreaming about the manslaughter of Jerry McCabe when the thunder woke me in a pool of sweat.


I bet that filthy fucking cat was in the bed with you as well you dirty smelly animal.

Back to topic @KinvarasPassion, driving home from a meeting last night with a clear sky above. Flashes of lighting way off in the distance lit the fucking place up. Serious thunder too. Fucked up night.

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I am in Limerick, pal, and slept alone.

Myself and the 2 eldest ladies sat and watched it for a good 20 minutes. It freaked them out good an proper.