The Weather Thread

Snow day here in South Dublin

Very tame

Merciful hour that’s an awful morning.

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32 degrees today in Sydney, the hottest April day on record, following the hottest March on record.

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Calling bs right there.

Sorry, you’re right, it was actually 34 degrees.

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An unmerciful clamping right there. It’s been a bad week for @Gilbertine.

Well you did say 32 mate. Previous April record was 34.0

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We had 23 here this week. Tit Monday been and gone.

Happy Christmas TFK


32C here yesterday, April 7, Northern hemisphere. Won’t be long before we are all slow cooked to death.


Snowing but not sticking here.

And the same to you KP! I was asked this morning if Santa brought presents last night. Eh, no.


Are you full time at the Sheep.

No mate, they’re not even my sheep. Crossing through neighbours land. Part time suckler.

Full time suckler is a lovely way of life but you’d struggle to make the average industrial wage with 40 cows. Sad but true.

Unreal photo. Very true farming is at an awful crossroads in Ireland at the moment.

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Going to be a soft day tomorrow.

Global warming me bollix

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jesus this drives me ape, roasters thinking global warming means that Ireland will get dryer, warmer weather :joy: the same apes that comes with the likes of “i’ll pay for no water, sure doesn’t it come out of the sky for free”

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