The Weather Thread

Were you out foraging for schrooms, pal?

Have you a big house with a stone front kid?

Thats the one.

You’d destroy the Jag on the these roads lad, go easy.

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Myself and the missus will be with you in 20

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It’s yea 4-5 years now no bother with it . When buying it your man told me always keep revs between 1200-1300 or you could do bad damage to it.

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only have 540 rpm so bought the gearbox attachment. Will get one next week without the gearbox and see how it goes. Turbo nozzle is some weapon.

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What an amazing experience this evening I love where I come from.



We really live in the best country in the world on days like this. New Zealand the only other place in the world that comes close.


Savage weather but there was a breeze coming from the NW today that would cut you in two.


You’d need to keep the geansai on alright. I left home in shorts but said I’d better throw on the trousers before going into Croker. Twas baltic by the end of it, all the excitement aside

BC beats both those places brains out pal

Just back from a drive there, some unreal showers in the Greater Fingal area. Stay safe.

Still salting the roads here. The weather has been biblical.

Lovely day.

Powerful day.

Be some smell of curry in that tunnel


The world is reaching a peak in the warming cycle, temperatures will start to cool again in the next few years. There is no need for panic. It’s all cyclical.


Winter is coming

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We must be close to

“It’s nearly too warm”