The Weather Thread

Fucking hell. There’s a thunder storm hitting the mid west right now and it’s biblical.
Sky knocked out. Drains under pressure to take the downpour. On the upside though it’ll drive on the grass.



Fuckin lovely

Tipp isn’t the Mid West, Brimmer, Ye’re just Mid, plain and simple.

Serious rain in Cork South Central.

Wexford has been magnificent these past few days.

That would be interesting if anyone gave a fuck about Wexford, pal.


I do.

I love my county.


Ye do great strawberries.

Incredible. A magnificent start to the road side selling season it’s been too.

I wouldn’t ate a Wexford strawberry for free. Rotten bastards.

Could you be a bit more exact on when it’s likely to start cooling please?

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In the next few years

Alright, an approximate then. Is “a few” years, decades, centuries?


How could you resist the flavor of diesel and petrol off them.


Very scientific alright, in a Danny Healy Rae way.

Don’t worry, no one would give you one for free.

Travellers aren’t know for their generosity…

Not many travellers grow strawberries in Wexford, it might be different in Limerick of course.

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