The Weather Thread

I presume we’ll be bailing out the farmers due to lack of rain shortly?

I received €166 for attending a training course yesterday. I thought it was great value, especially with the free breakfast and lunch thrown in. Farming is box office.


Is it any coincidence that we have had glorious sunshine ever since Danny Healy Rae acknowledged in the Dail that God controls the weather ?


Fucking horribly humid in the capital this morning. We need a good thunderstorm to clear the air.

man up, it was 17 degrees at 9.00 this morning ffs

Fuck off you, cuntyhooks.

27 degrees here in Galway.

It’ll be tough to leave this behind and head off to cold, rainy France.

24 degrees mate and rain for the next week

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Up to 30C now Sid. We’re making maggots - it’ll be nice to get over to a more temperate climate in France for a few days.


Close one of the doors and put on the air con mate

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Thanks mate. I’ve done that, but it’s still very warm outside, and now the cold air is escaping out the three other open doors. What should I do next?

Reminds me of the first time I was in the states, only a young lad in my uncles car, probably high 90s and I opened up the window to feel the breeze, fuckers went ape with me. What the fuck is air con says I.

We’re so conditioned to Irish weather and rolling down the window, that the intense heat and humidity in the USA is baffling the first time you encounter it.

What’s even more baffling is the first (and last) time you leave your car in the sun all day in 100+ heat, leave work, jump in your car, grab the steering wheel and your hands melt onto it. A once in a lifetime experience.

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There’s an old saying in Tennessee. I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on … shame on you. Fool me… You can’t get fooled again!’

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Davy Crockett always used to be saying things like that

Santa Ana showed him what’s what

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God help us & save us.



Absolute pea soup of a fog out here on the Peninsula.

That’s methane rising from the sewage in the bay, fagan.