The Weather Thread

I’m not sure I like it. Myself and Mrs. I.M were talking about heading off next weekend and sorting the man in red out for the main requests. Now I love Christmas and I know it’s a bit away, but it feels more spring like at the moment. I cut the grass there Saturday and thought that would be it for the year, but she’ll take another one or twould cuts at this rate.

I’m jinxing it now but it has hardly rained in Limerick with a month, which considering it never stops raining in Limerick is unbelievable

Good god is it nearly time to put the clock forward again

It’s fucking freezing here. Well down into single figures at night. Sixteen tops in the day, it’s bitter. Fire lit the last 2 nights.

You wouldn’t last a day back west

I’d light more fires.


I don’t think it rained at all in limerick in October 15.Made up for it after though.

Edit: Beaten to it by my old pal @Massey. He knows his Limerick weather.

It was the exact same October last year. We got no rain, it started raining at the beginning of November though and didn’t stop for 5 months.

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If it went on much longer the farmers would probably need a drought grant.

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The clocks don’t go forward until October 30th, pal, which is still 2. 67 weeks away as I type.


Very Autumnal this evening

Savage weather for the last weekend of October. Sun shining brightly down here today and a pleasant 14 degrees Celsius.

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Silage still being cut in areas. God will reap his revenge yet.

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We seem to have had very little rain this year going by usual standards.

Worryingly very similar to last year. I hope we’re not in for 6 months of rain as payback for a mild October.


October is the new Irish summer.

It’s the new august/Sept

Did it not piss rain in August and September?

Nationwide had the tillage farmers on the other night looking for a bailout due to all the rain and the destroying of the crop anyway

Polar vortex will make a return this winter

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