The Weather Thread

Did you enjoy your 2 month sleep?

You back on d erb mon?

Brent Geese arrived on the Peninsula a month early this year. That was not a good sign.

herb is great man, in small doses (i.e not every day of the week) Id love a bit now sure

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You should PM Harry he might be able to look after you



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It’s cold out there tonight.I’d a job to open the car after training because my hands were so numb. Tough weather for coaches.
All right for the players, they’re running about the place.

Buy yourself a little hip flask

Get away. We were training and it was a smashing evening for it.

To be honest I was glad to see a bit of frost on the ground this morning. Even after a session on Sunday night, Monday was like an early May day and didn’t seem natural. While we have had the stove going in the sitting room for the last while, I actually fired up the heating tonight.

agreed , today was beautiful, countryside respeledent in the morning chill
i dunno how people live in cities lads…

took the kids to malahide castle, took in the gardens, leaves, sun and the train that drives around the town
a bit of a nip , that is welcome now BTW,
the weekends stay dry is all we want , wet saturdays and playzone or tricky tricksters magic castle or trips to tesco to escape the house are something i can do without


Nice nip in it the last few days

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I saw weather girl Siobhain Ryan today in real life. She is quite beautiful.

We have to be due a belt shortly. It’s fucking unbelievable. Reached 17 degrees here today. Was nearly tempted to fire up the barb-b-que this evening


I wouldn’t mind a month of good hard frost


That new weather lady Liz Walsh has a lovely voice. I swear I got s bit of a tingle this morning when she spoke about a warm front coming up from the south.

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FFS think of the racing

Its too warm for the good horses to be unleashed. Its still basically summer racing. You can’t go racing in the winter without a warm jacket on.

It’ll be chilly coming home with no shirt though.


a good hard month of frost
dry days at the weekend are all i ask for at the moment
i must say id love a good fucking storm also, great memories of christmas eve 1997 and cork harbour getting smashed to pieces
we had no electricity for christmas day and power was only restored on 28th
problem with living on the north kildare south meath border is that you dont get a good gust or a serious damaging gale
the snow in 2010 and 2009 was class here as the trains and buses still ran and the roads were relativley accessible , whilst in other places the government just left them freeze
still tho, u cant beat a serious storm from the Atlantic, hearing the rafters creak and going out every so often to see is the televison aerial still intact and pointing east to pick up HTV wales