The Weather Thread

I appreciate your input but I don’t believe a word that comes out of @Horsebox’s mouth. He’s gone from the guy who could barely hold down a job due to his substance abuse to the guy who makes time before work to go to the gym before returning home to have his breakfast and then cycling to work.

What a transformation :rollseyes:


Weather update: it’s snowing in my living room in college court.

That’s great. And when does your college term start up?

You’re a cold hearted bastard Fran.

24 I think.

Can’t do snow at home out west I guess

Tis a bad state of affairs that students can afford a bit of snow on a normal Wednesday afternoon.

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You hardly thought I was going to spend my winnings from last night on groceries or new trainners?

''Tis far from the west im reared.

What time and day would make it a good state of affairs in your opinion?

You shouldn’t need to take a shower after a leisurely 10 minute cycle unless you have a disease or trouble with your glands.


Does your mammy still buy your clothes?

You’ve must have missed the post where he moaned about battling epic winds this morning.

I didn’t miss it.

It was almost impossible to.

Just spotted a weather warning for thunder snow. Has someone just made that term up

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I’ve been hurt too often before

Of course not, mate. Some odd contributions on this thread. Poor oul @Fran is probably too long away from the gym to know the difference between a lot of exercise and what is usually a handy little pedal and then @myboyfritzel doesn’t seem to be able to comprehend that cycling into a strong wind is difficult.

I suppose between Fran being busy with fatherhood and the other fella not leaving his laptop for months at a time, it is understandable.

Dance, puppet

You win, kid.