The Weather Thread

Think you must be confusing me with another poster.

The roaster living in the current Australian heat calling Irish fellas smelly, you couldnt make it up.

I’m adored by my colleagues.

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Fixed properly.



Not true.

You go to the gym, presumably have a shower (we can’t be sure), get into clean clothes and then hop on the bike to start sweating again.

Either none of that ever happens or you’re a bit of a oddball


Hi Fran,

While a few of these jibes at Horseboxes expense are quite funny Im afraid Ill have to come to his defence here. A 10 minute cycle in Irish weather shouldn’t be making someone sweat. Its really the equivalent of a brisk walk with the constant stopping and starting due to lights and traffic.

Kind regards


I go to the gym, go home, have breakfast, then shower then stroll to the nearest Dublin bike stand before leisurely cycling up the canal for 10 minutes. Cycling slowly for 10 minutes doesn’t cause me to sweat, Francis.

Thank you TSG, you got there before me. I’d say there’s some seriously unfit fat bastards posting here who think a 10 minute cycle would have them sweating buckets.

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You’d have been a great man for the slow bicycle race


Walk to bike stand, cycle slowly for 10 minutes, drop bike off at bike stand, walk to work. Would you not just walk altogether?

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More lies

Bike stand I drop off at is about 100m from my office. The way I do it takes about 18 minutes. To walk it would take closer to 35. Every minute counts when you’ve as busy and fulfilling a life as I have, kid.

Old rating.

Still lying.

:smile: :smile: stop you’re killing me.

So desperate to get in on the conversation.


Get in on the counversation? I started the conversation about you being smelly, pinocchio.

I’m the puppet master.

Incidentally, the moon these past 2 nights has been phenomenal. Fuck your ‘supermoon’

Nice blast forecast for the next couple of days