The Weather Thread

Pet day here in the Capital. Yer man Joe Schmidt was blathering on there in the paper about Storm Doris affecting the game tomorrow. Dies this cunt know what’s going on at all.

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The bus might blow over

I bought a five pack of plain black socks in Penny’s and I’m on my way back to the office, I’ll put them on when I get there (one pair) and have a snooze in the union room.
It’s a good Friday.

did you go for a spin earlier fagan?

Yeah, I was out in the car earlier.

Is there a bed in the union room or do you have to rough it?

A kind of swivel armchair/office yoke. The killer is though we have a energy efficient system in the building and lights come on automatically as you enter the room and you can’t turn them off, the office in at the end of a long dark corridor so if members see the lights on they think I’m available to listen to them whinging.
The trick is to sit still long enough and they’ll switch off.



Walking the dog there. Got caught in a torrential downpour. Soaked to me underpants.

You & pooch need a hot shower ASAP. Mind yourself.


Gave the dog a hot shower but that used up all the hot water in the tank. I’m shivering here.

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I’d give the Channel 69 & a box of tissues a try. Failing that bring pooch to bed tonight but throw on the muzzle just in case…

Some drop in temperatures this evening :neutral_face:

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We have a football challenge game this evening, first of the year. Not a great night for it.

There’s some bad weather out there now.

It is a beautiful day today.

A lovely, warm Saturday afternoon in March; makes you think all is right with the world. :sunglasses:

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Long queues for ice cream in Lahinch today, nice bright day but us Irish are fucking crazy, there was a load of us eating our ice creams with the wind and sea spray lashing our faces.

Take the upmost care out there this morning posters effected by the Blizzard.

Snowed in here
