The Weather Thread

Everyone should carry around a tincure of iodine just to be safe.

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you’d want a full survival kit with you this weather. Factor, Lip Balm, Iodine, Hay-Fever stuff, AntiBiotic cream, straw hat, sunglasses.

Serious business.

Sting? Horse flies bite and suck blood.

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Got that as a youngster and nearly lost my leg. I underwent surgery where they made a few incisions to drain infection after antibiotocs wouldnt work.

Would ye cunts fuck up with your little horsefly bites ffs.


yeah it is serious business. I was lucky the antibiotics worked. have you had it since? there is usually high re-occurrence after you’ve had it the once

They’re no joke. When i was 16 or so I broke my collar bone from a horse fly bite. It bit the horse I was on

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For fucks sake. Glorious weather in Ireland and all these lads can talk about is bacteria getting in under a cut.


They don’t want to be catching aids

it’s tropical… i mean topical.

No havent had it since. I was 16 at the time and we were driving from St Jean De Mont to Cherbourg to get a ferry with 4 of us packed into the back seat in an old Toyota Corolla. The slightest of touches off my leg was extremely painful. It must have been an insect bite. I am extremely sensitive to all kinds of insect bites but only once was I hospitalised.

Has the bird from the Met Office started shouting at people on the news yet?

Run and hide!

And cyanide capsules.

Did you tumble the car again, Mike? Someone call nine wan wan.

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Those things are never right…

It’s not that hot… but i’ve just had to open the windows here as Brady dropped a serious bomb.

Tell Ruairí it’s over

Lovely breeze on the coast. You’d want your head examined to be inland today

Tied to an armchair??