The Weather Thread

Dont forget to leave out a bit of water/food for the birds.

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Feckin hayfever gone wild

Confirmed, googled it and it’s similar to what landed on my knee. I had dark sports gear on and was all sweaty after a fat man’s jog/stumble which seem to attract them.

Trying to drain the swelling was a pointless exercise. No matter how much crap i drained from the blister, it would just swell more than ever. Irish Water and erectile disfunction experts could get some insight if they investigated.

A roaster who never encountered a horsefly before? You must be from well inland and not near any watering holes?

Horse flies spoiled many summers for a young @caulifloweredneanderthal who got at least one allergic reaction and trip to doctors per annum. Even a bad dose of midges would have me head swelled

I’m tooled up with Max strength Deet at the moment, but I picked up a few bites on my morning walk to the beach. Just midges I hope

Piriton helps there but for horse flies you may need to get the sting out. A tweezers may help. Make sure if doesnt get infected.

Old people warned to stay inside.

I used to be crippled with it, last 10 years haven’t been too much of a problem but this year is desperate. Beconase is working far better than the tablets, takes a couple of days to get going but I’d recommend it.

Horseflies are some pricks for having a nibble without you even realising they are there. You’ll nearly always know a bee/wasp has you in his sights.

First time I’ve had a reaction to a bite in Ireland. Whenever I’m abroad the mozzies have a field day and bites always seem to get infected. Invested in deet yesterday.

Bees are alright sorts if you just let them be.


I’d been in the tablets daily for ages and not a bother on me, had to go buy the beconase yesterday.

We need more bees and less @Horsebox

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It must be 22 degrees


I used to get an injection at the start of the summer that used to give me a free run at the summer, before that my summers were ruined with hay fever. Seems the injection plays havoc with some of the internal organs so they don’t give it anymore, just for one off situations if you’re doing exams.

I got cellulitis twice from getting bitten by insects, once up in Fota and once down in Youghal. Ended up inside in hospital on both occasions. if it’s infected go seek medical advice pal. If you get a fever you’re fucked

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East Cork must be like a swamp

I deeply regret googling that just there now. :face_vomiting:

sure you’ve water everywhere down here. I can’t go anyplace in the summer without spraying on insect repellent. Smells worse than brut aftershave. bring a tear to your back teeth so it would

nasty business alright. It happens when you scratch the bite and a bacteria gets in under the skin. If you don’t catch it early you end up on a drip of antibiotics for 10 days.

if you catch it early it can be cleared with a dose of antibiotics from the GP.

I found some anti-biotic cream and it seems to have eased it. While the bite itself looks like sh!t the swelling is gone.

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