The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Part time working and full time farming you mean?!

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Context: Lenders invited financial advisers to pitch for a piece of work. A couple of them came back with excessive quotes based on wider scopes of work than they were asked to pitch for. Just in a meeting to discuss it and one of my colleagues blurted out…

“They’re trying to sell us ice-creams when we’ve asked for coca-cola!”


Surely that anecdote would be better in the Annoying Jargon thread?

Ah fuck, I meant to post it in that thread.

Feel free to like, share and comment on this thread for the moment.


Could you eh… Run without your strava?

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That’d be like you posting about your wife without telling us her job


What is even the point of running without a rich KPI dashboard to review afterwards?


Cunts. They should try going to college, leaving it during a time of full employment, drinking the fuck out of it during their 20s and 30s, stags, holidays, matches, gigs, festivals and then buying a house in their thirties like us lads born in the late 70s and 80s.

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Malcom Gladwell has wound up the dossers good and proper with his comments on working from home.

Jaysus some pivot, didn’t think you could turn that fast with a hooked nose and a buggy

One of those TFK replies where the fella has gotten such a clatter, he has no choice but to like it himself.

If it’s not on Strava it never happened

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Through his tears

But you get no kudos that way and it’s all about the kudos.


Can you do that?? Interesting :thinking:

Check the run visibility settings in each activity. You can limit how its viewed, to just yourself, or your followers or public

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Have a window to go for a run but it’s 29 fucking degrees in leafy Douglas. What to do…

Go for a run


Went for a run in the forest at 9 the other night. Was majestic.

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Hard work trying to get an afternoon nap in this heat.