The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

And petrol costs

yeah, which will be the lesser evil for some people

Maybe yeah.

Traffic is at even worse levels than ever before in Dublin anyway so would expect that to be a factor. Normally you get a handy few months during the no school months to bomb around during the day but it’s just manic now all the time. Traffic all the time.

Some serious effort going into trying to bring people back on a hybrid basis by some companies in the IT sector but noone pushing too hard on it as they don’t want to lose talent to a competitor…

I enjoy 2 days in the office myself but its only a 25 min spin.

I have two recently relocated Indian team members who have moved over from Bangalore. I assumed they would want to be in the office most if not every day but surprisingly not, they seem happy enough to relocate to Dublin to them work remotely. We have agreed to do one day every two weeks to catch up face to face as we start to ramp up for the madness which is coming our way.


The vast majority of employers want their people in. Given the tight labour market they cannot force the issue right now.

A decent recession will resolve a lot of societal issues and reset expectations. We’ve been in a boom so long we’ve become accustomed to the positive aspects (full employment etc) and we’re left with the shit aspects (high cost of living etc). The current boom is like a party that’s gone on too long. No matter how enjoyable you still want it to end some time.

*I’m WFH today.


I’ll do 2-3 days from September after dropping the kids off. You’d get fed up of homeworking sometimes.


Gen Z need a good recession.

Some of these young wans waltzing in with their high notions and fancy coffees could do with a serious dose of reality.

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MNC’s are quickly finding out that Rajeesh and the Hyderabad contractor gang are not worth the visas since Covid. They might bow to the Gen Z pressure yet.

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I had a lovely snooze there from about 11 to 11.30. Really empowered me to drive on and finish the afternoon with a flourish. I feel sad for all ye lads walking around awake all day.


Went in for my mandatory day of the week. Home in bed for 2pm.


Lovely lunch in The Carriage Rooms in Carton House while wfh today. Ate in the outdoor seating area and enjoyed the splendid sunshine. Grabbed a takeaway coffee in The Pantry when finished and had a nice ramble around the grounds. Back home at 4.35pm to reply to a few emails before doing the crèche collection.


On the finest day of the year?

Depends who was in it with him

Would you ever head off for a nice long run during wfh? I’ve found I’ve had to block work colleagues from following me on Strava or hide the visibility of a run for obvious reasons.

A neighbour of mine here works for a well known Scandinavian multinational and usually gets 9 holes of golf in 2-3 times a week during work time. Harder when the kids are off school apparently


No comment. :running_man:

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You mean his 2.5 hour Friday morning runs?



‘No Meeting Fridays’


“Part time” farming and WFH is a match made in heaven.