The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’d advise WFHers to proceed with caution if planning to bring their kids to the Lego store opening today, given the media attention it is receiving.



The mute to other followers feed on Strava is a game changer @Mac and @Bandage

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There is a serious queue on Chatham St for it

Any sign of @Bandage?

I’m on my way home from town but I wasn’t in that general area.

We are all being hauled back into the office week after next for 5 days a week, this is after working remotely very successfully for 2.5yrs. No exceptions everyone being brought back. That will mean a 100km daily commute for myself and 2hrs a day lost to travelling. It’s an absolute sickener as our section has performed above our targets since going remote but this isn’t even being considered, its a blanket approach across the whole organisation, as if WFH never existed

Are you looking at options elsewhere?

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That’s mad. Almost like one or two people have had a meltdown and are intent on bringing everyone else down too.

Sorry to read that. As Raylan said this is a sign to move on. It’s a great time to be on the jobhunt and you’ll find something with a more flexible balance for sure.

Fairly ruthless from your current employer. They’ll have plenty of departures.

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That’s the stuff for ya, suck it up.

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Would you leave

I’ll have to consider it, my intention was that this job would be my last career move and I do enjoy the work, but I can’t comprehend the total disregard by senior management of the efforts and results by staff over our time remote working


If everyone is pissed off just organise a coup

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I can see this happening a lot more in the coming year (despite rising energy costs and all that).

I heard of one employer taking a hard line on it, only to row back once the resignations rolled in. You’d want to be some clown to insist on it

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The decision is being made by people close to retirement, probably morgage free, live close to the office, don’t have young children and spend most of their ‘working’ day attending conferences and meetings. I’d say one thing if productivity fell off a cliff during WFH but we’ve never had a busier couple of years and have the output results to prove it. It’s mind blowing and incredibly disheartening.


Have the conversation with your direct manager. Word won’t be long filtering upwards. Its a mad strategy by senior management and one that’s likely to backfire.

The Man is starting to fight back. This is the consequence of people taking the piss for the last two years.


If they took the piss ( and plenty did) then it’s bad management. Plenty tools available these days to track work and projects.