The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Strava has fucked lads.

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I was delivering an induction presentation yesterday. (longer than twenty minutes @caulifloweredneanderthal ).Now the instruction was that the Krakow based people should come to the office for it and the virtual workers log in. Sure half the Krakow crowd never turned up just logged in! Then half way through the webex the sound went and they couldn’t hear my dulcet tones. One of them pipes up “we can’t hear anything”. I replied, “well maybe you should be here in the room with me”? Which was a bit pointless because they couldn’t hear me but we got it up and running again.



in the newspaper last week there was an article stating that job adverts offering WFH are in sharp decline since peaking late last year

I know a fella who got offered a fulltime wfh gig for 25k more than he’s on in his current role last week.

The hybrid model will end up being the norm I’d say though to be honest @Bisto

Can’t see many companies pushing for fulltime work in the office. Unless they have to.

Some disappointment at the strong jobs numbers amongst the middle managers who want their staff back.

It’s all about “blended working” now

I would be talking to your line manager and saying exactly that. Also throw in that you’re not the only one talking that way.

I think you’re in the IT space? You should have plenty of leverage.


Most employees are spineless and fall in. There were redundancies in our place a few years ago and people started ‘accepting’ promotions without any pay rise.


There are different types of workers. Individual contributor IT geeks can work anywhere and it’s probably better if they never show their face in an office. But what about young or less experienced staff? How will they learn? Sometimes you learn by listening, observing, asking questions, being in a group. That social/learning piece is missing. There are only so many teams calls a person can stand.


Hear hear

The “I’m alright Jacks” don’t give two fucks about the new lads once they can walk the dog on the beach at 11:00 and watch an hour of sex and the city at 14:00.


Totally agree, for new young staff particularly - they need to build relationships with people etc. Even just for their own well being in terms of 5 a side etc.

Its going to be an interesting battle though as a lot of people who are in their 30’s and 40’s are now living 100km plus away from the office post covid and have got very used to it.

On the other hand, “the man” will want them in.

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If the jobs can be done 100% remote they can be done in India. And that’s a fact of life.


Do agree. But if that were to happen fully, we’re all fucked.

Don’t see it happening anytime soon on my side thankfully yet anyway.

The WFH gig is essential to any lad with a bit of a farm or a sideline gig/passive hustle. You can never have enough hours in the day when you are managing multiple streams of income and time lost in travel is just infuriating.


Hmmm. They’ve made progress but they are not there yet… They still need a bit of celtic guidance. European labour is becoming cheaper with the state of the euro so hard to see a shift anytime soon but I’ve no doubt that’s the direction things will eventually go.

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Shivangi not being able to account for a 5 hour time difference between Galway and Brooklyn when taking down a Production System would keep me cautiously optimistic our esteemed Indian colleagues are still playing Junior hurling.


I think there is a cultural thing there at play as well where they don’t really like to carry ultimate responsibility.

They’re great people to work but they don’t want to be held accountable for anything major is my experience with them. I think that comes from a real fear of serious poverty which we don’t have realistically.


Paddy loves being the throat to choke.

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