The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Was she decent?

Post of the decade :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Did she twig that she on was the call in the nip? If she wasnt aware she was compromised would you be duty bound to inform her? Something similar happened an acquaintance and he took it very badly. Took a long time to get over and ended up moving jobs.

Is it not a gross lack of professionalism to be in the shower while taking a work call?

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I won’t say a word if @fulvio’s ban is revoked.


She probably thought they could only see Head and Shoulders so she would be grand


What were you doing in his electric wheelchair?

Let her live in ignorance if she is. But no way she won’t find out

She should be sacked.

My guess was she couldn’t hear the generic “some people may need to check their cameras” comment or the audible noises (not that type) from other attendees or notice the awkward 10-15 second pause before the meeting continued because the shower was powered on. But she later grabbed the phone & turned off the camera abruptly. She might be none the wiser & think either nobody noticed or that the camera wasn’t pointing directly at her body.

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It’s seems nobody was thinking outside the box…


Heed my words. Bring back @fulvio

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A useless shower

Are you eagerly anticipating the next weekly touchpoint @Bandage? Ye will all be better prepared this time.

This important query is still outstanding


It wouldn’t be professional to comment on such matters.

I remember getting one of the most sought after audit assignments in Stokes Kennedy Crowley back in the day. A 2-week job in New York where you got the weekend either side in Manhattan. You’d always have folks who started the training contract before you having transferred to the NYC office after qualifying. I gave one of these lads a shout for pints & myself & my lovely assistant @ClarkeyCat met him. A bit of early chat about NYC generally & how he was finding the move. Then I asked him what the women in the office were like. “Great work ethic but not as technically sound as you’d find back home”, was his reply. I had to respect that.


theres no way the story wouldve been related in the way it was if she was a munter


A munter wouldn’t purposely leave the camera on.

They would have ended the call if she was

I called Zurich’s customer service there and was put through to a young lad called David.

It was very quiet behind so I assume he was WFH.

The lad was dying. Stumbling over his words, forgetting what he had already said, general hungover sounding head on him.

Think Brian Cowen on Morning Ireland only much worse.

I got my business done anyway eventually so no harm no foul.