The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

@Bandage is in the money with those windows.

I’ve created recurring “private” meetings to block out my lunch every day and also Friday afternoon. Put meetings anywhere else. But if it’s after 5pm I’ll probably try move it.

Most of our meetings are on teams still, even though we spend most of our time back in office. However, one colleague went rogue last week, setting a 9am meeting on a Thursday in person due to poor participation in her last online one. It did not go down well.

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If I owned a company I would fire the person who called the most meetings.
I would define a meeting as anything with more than 4 people involved.
Anything with more than 4 people, probably even 3 people, involves a huge amount of someone (who doesn’t need to be on the calls) time being wasted. The more people added the higher % of time in each meeting not relevant to someone in the meeting.
If you drag 8 people into a call for an hour, that’s one whole day of a person working gone.
If I’m called into 4 of those meetings a week, that’s one day of my work wasted.
The amount of meetings called that should literally just be an email.

Anyone with time to call loads of meetings isn’t actually doing any work.

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Plenty fellas happy to sit there hiding for an hour


Ironic it comes from Microsoft. Missus worked there and said it was as admin laden a job she’s had with archaic paperwork completed with little help from any savvy, inhouse software to aid the process!

Someone with your nap commitments must have no time in the calendar for meetings

Between an hour for napping and an hour for lunch, I have a very full schedule. You wouldn’t want to be wasting my time like

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I left a job a good few years ago because of meetings about meetings and the culture in the place. They’d have touchpoint meetings where they would waste 20 peoples time in a boardroom around month ends and go around the room. Drove me mad. My own modus operandi is sending an IM - “hey you in office today?” then call around to someones desk, engage in a bit of small talk about how their kid just got over an ear infection or if its a fella, the munster hurling championship. Spend 5 minutes getting info I need or they need and on our way again. Only happens on a Tuesday or Wednesday and we have to be in twice a week.

Aside from all that are people here seeing coworkers resigning in their own workplace? Do you review your own career and where you’re going regularly? With 2 young kids it was a case of batten down the hatches for a few years. My wife is a paedaetric nurse so there are weekends and nights I’d have the 2 to myself. So for a good while I had no desire to change it up or even have to learn new systems or learn about a new business, meet new people etc but starting to get those blinkers off now.

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Fact sure. I’d be on teams meetings that have nothing to do with me some times and I’d spend the call on TFK or whatever. It’s their money, let them waste it how they want.


Would be a handy gig for you

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Be a nice number for a few years alright. Quit at the start of 2027 then with nothing done :grinning:

I try and move around every 2 years generally. Potential employers don’t see it as loyalty nowadays, they see it as laziness and lack of ambition, with a hint of stagnant professional development.

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tbh, its probably the same everywhere

I saw an image on Twitter where a guy had mocked up a teams meeting invite but beside all the attendees it showed their cost per hour and gave a total cost of the meeting. It was a joke, but not the worst idea ever.

Meetings are for cunts with nothing to do. They are dominated by spoofers whose only talent is to regurgitate the same point in 5 different ways. There is always a nodding donkey subordinate who massages their bosses ego by attempting to regurgitate it another time but failing miserably.

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@Horsebox have you ever asked a colleague to work in a bikini

Often, Dunphy alleges, Giuliani would demand she works in a bikini or in American flag-themed shorts he bought for her, and he urged her to strip naked for him during video meetings.

Yes. Yes I have.


I have a new colleague in India who goes by the name of Yeara. Having tremendous fun on zoom calls as I overuse his first name in a west Kerry accent.


I’m the only one on the team fully wfh and I mentioned I was using one monitor (luckily I held off telling him that a quarter monitor would suffice for all the work I do). Seems we should be using 2 monitors and this has sent the group mgr a tad demented (he’s a bit put out I’m the only one wfh full time as it’s out of his hands and it’s difficult to micro manage someone in that situation).

Anyways, he told to get it sorted so I got on to IT. I have 2 monitors but I need a different cable. IT told me they had none but kindly sent me on a link to Amazon. I sent the email to the mgr and he told me to purchase it myself as I was saving a fortune on petrol. I politely told him I wasn’t in a position to be subsidising the company’s costs but would happily purchase it once he confirmed the company would reimburse me. This drove him over the edge altogether. The hounds of hell have been unleashed.


You’re rocking that boat in a very dangerous fashion.