The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Ah shure if they offered an old package it wouldn’t be the end of the world.



Take a good long nap for yourself after that, a grand mornings work


I did wonder was that where you were heading.

Sounds like a right cunt off between the two of you. All of your experience on here should stand to you and see you come out on top.


Fuck that, if they want him to use two monitors they can pay for it.

Rage against the machine

As good a place as any. Got a notification from IT that two of my staff got caught on an IT testing pfishing email. Just the two you’d expect as well. Off on a course they two are to go anyway, which is grand, cop the fuck on for yourself etc.

I fired out a little friendly reminder to the team anyway, the usual craic, “its unlikely the boss man will be sending you a direct email there Sheila, especially one offering you a chance to win a PS5, so like, cop the fuck on and dont be clicking links you eejit”. I throw together a mock button on the email jokingly, that would fire me a direct reply if anyone clicked it and wished them all a nice aul weekend, enjoy the good weather and here’s hoping Laois bate Fermanagh.

Yep, Sheila clicked it.

I’m done.


Twas only a 5 euro cable ffs :rofl:

Exactly, what’s it to your man only he’s being a prick. No backwards step

Someone in my place of work, spent €100 on Amazon vouchers and emailed them to the scammers. Supposedly for my boss, who couldn’t use his work email as he was having technically difficulties. Work reimburrsed them. I’d have told them to consider it a cheap lesson

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They’re haemorrhaging staff so it’ll be a difficult balancing act between getting the p45 and the pfo.

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A good old fashioned work to rule is called for

Quiet quitting it’s called these days isn’t it. Very popular with the Gen Z crew.

How long are you there and how come you’re only one working from home? What line of work are you in that ye are losing so many staff?

I’m not the only one wfh full time. I’m the only one on the team wfh. Lot of offices dotted around the country so diff strokes for diff folks.

I’m all for fuckin over useless cunts like @mikehunt but you can’t really be asking staff to provide IT equipment at their own cost.


I had an anal boss previously and submitted a claim for a hard shell cover for my work blackberry that cost 40 quid. He start going mad saying alibaba and these other Chinese shops selling them for 2 dollars and to check there in the future. Three weeks later he comes back to me looking for the link where I got the cover so he could order it for his own phone as none of the Chinese ones fit.



Mental stuff.

I was WFH before it was cool, so technically did not qualify for a home kit-out when the Covid protocols were being rolled out for us. No big issue for me, had lots of bits and pieces at home so didn’t really query it.

My auld warrior of a laptop died a slow and painful death there recently - was on to IT and I was being treated like a third world case when they brought my inventory up. Nearly an entire Currys store got sent out with my new laptop.


Back to the mandatory two days a week office (team day and then a day we can pick when we want to head in). It was a fantastic 3 years of sleeping in and doing tap all.