The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Lots of offices have the three in days a week. Nobody seems to dare enforce it. The amount of empty offices around town is something to behold.

I’d a “physical” meeting on Monday in another office. They’ve about 300 staff. There were about 15 people in the place.

We’re at a 4 and a half day week already I reckon.

PwC are starting to trial the 4 day working week in some Geos

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Half day Friday and Monday to ease in and out of the week would nearly be better

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Sure you couldn’t leave the boys in India to their own devices one day a week. Would only lead to carnage


Sure you’re doing that already

As I’ve said before, the only reason I work Fridays is I’d stop work for the week on Wednesday if I didn’t

Having Western based Indian middle managers is the key to controlling these fellas.


The most typical implementation I’ve been hearing of is split groups alternating between taking off Wednesday and Fridays.

Fact - I occasionally end up on a call with both and wince at the bollickings administered for minor indiscretions


Mondays are a bad day to pick. Office attendances are up significantly Tuesday-Thursday now, the screw is being put on in a lot of places though not all. How much of available capacity is used very much depends on the industry and geographies.

It doesn’t matter if you only need the capacity once a week either, you’ll still need that capacity.

A lad I worked with had to go over and train them. There was a lad at the main door to open and close it for '‘important’ employees. My man told him there was no need, that he’d open it himself. As he was waiting for a lift he saw a lad head out from the front desk and gave the doorman a few clouts across the head. My man allowed him to open the door for him after that.


A chap I worked with before, he used to go out there quite a bit on an engineering project around 10 years ago. He had his own “tea boy” when in the office. Lots of slagging of course but it’s pride month so better not go into it.

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Biswanath is absolutely shitting himself there. He knows he’s due a fileting.


@KinvarasPassion henchman.

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We told our lot this week that we expect to see them in the office half their time from September and to start adjusting to it during the summer.

They asked “what did I mean by half”? I said 50%.

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From what I gather in loads of places, some very, very important directors & executive management types are stipulating that people need to be back in the office x days per week & line managers are passing on the directive to staff & telling them to follow it (nudge nudge) but not enforcing it.

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What I’m seeing and hearing is that it’s 60%, and try and do it Tue/Wed/Thu. Up to yourself on the other two days.

It’s about playing the game really. If you ask for half time and you get 2 days on average you’re not going to make much of an issue about it. The danger is if people completely ignore the guidance and you end up with Corporate giving a mandatory instruction of 3-4 days.


That’s it really, just play the game but there’s an awful lot of thick cunts out there. Our place mandated minimum 2 preferably 3 days a week last October which was ignored by 80% of the office. A reminder was issued in January which was also widely ignored so as of last month people are starting to be reprimanded for not coming in. If the fools came in for a few hours once or twice a week that would’ve sufficed but there’s people in our office who haven’t been in since March 2020. The threat to leave to go to fully remote roles elsewhere is starting to ring a bit hollow now too as more and more companies start mandating a return to the office.