The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Interesting to see Deloitte’s new office will only have seating for around 1,500 people and their workforce is around 2,500.
Mad that they are currently renting 5 different locations in the city.

Big difference alright but I’d say minimum 25% of their workforce would be on client site at any given time.

Opportune thread bump @TreatyStones & I don’t mean to tilt the conversation away from your interesting Deloitte update.

But some lad from a rival bank has just used “perspective” instead “prospective” in an email to a large audience. Perspective new markets…deary me.


That’s their Dublin office presumably?

Would you believe I just got an email from someone in a reasonably senior position who suggested our best course of action might be to “play it by year”.


We’ve agreed to maintain a 25% presence in the office going forward. A nice balance I find.

They’re more into work from home than most I think.

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I know a few lads in differing professional stages at Deloitte (one is a manager in their auditing division and the other is doing the tax consulting grad scheme). Neither are required to head to the Dublin or local Galway office more than once a month.

I’d say anybody not back to hybrid by now won’t be going back to regular office attendance for the medium term. My own crowd in the tech sector are still one day a week but they absolutely skinned the Indian/North American workforce in the past month. Think something like 10,000 were made redundant in April so far.

I haven’t been to the office since November.

Only those useless niche pricks on the bench and the grads should be in the office.


Doesn’t seem to be the way with most other large professional services firms. Getting tighter on office space but Deloitte going way below their employee levels.

I’m not sure how the traditional model holds with that kind of approach.

Day 2 of Leadership course. Still destroying lads after my breakout rooms. My English is unreal.


We had a career goals survey to fill out with a hard deadline of April 20th. I got an email last night wondering why I hadn’t completed it and to do so ‘ASAP’.

I filled it in there. Lot of N/As.


Take your points and the goals will come


Career goals. Retirement

Half four out the door.


There was a shite article in the Irish times recently about quiet quitting. I thought of you mate.


The 20 minute lunchtime nap, game changer :clap::clap:

cc @Julio_Geordio


I had a lovely nap at lunchtime yesterday. 20 minutes bordering on too long for me

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I just wake naturally after 20 mins. No alarm required.

Sometimes I’ve the pillow still imprinted on my face after a fantastic 10-30 minute nap.