The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Got the phone call yesterday eveing and we both dug in like a pair of Alabama ticks. Eventually he came back today saying he would complete a final review, something I wasn’t comfortable doing. I will do an initial review. While it can be classed as a score draw I will take creating inefficiencies as an away goals victory.


An email was missed (ignored) while my managers were off. I was asked did I need training in Outlook? I was tempted to say yes but held off and wondered aloud how it didn’t ‘cross my radar’. They wondered too as the client had followed up three times.

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You’re probably one of the fuds that has the reading pane on the side like some kind of psychopath

Picture and explanation of how it should be set and why please.

Are you really asking for someone to screenshot their inbox and post it on the internet?

You fucking goober

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Ping me on Teams and you’ll get me. You’ve no chance on Outlook. I turn off those pesky notifications that pop up.

How to Customize the Microsoft Outlook Reading Pane (

Reading pane goes on the bottom unless you’re a weirdo

You are doing your company a favour in doing so by not causing unnecessary wear and tear on your work laptop by using RAM with frivolity


Switched from desk phone to corporate mobile. Mobile number on the outlook profile. Phone in the coat pocket in another room :ok_hand:


You’re some (non) operator :smile:

The higher ups must have great secret meetings discussing how the fuck they’ll get rid of you.



What’s the reasoning behind that or is it just personal preference? I’d have it set up the way Art put it.

As an IT professional I can confirm you have it setup correctly. Anyone setting up their Outlook in a different way is mentally disturbed.


The new Outlook is a load of shite. I’ve gone back to the old one

I’m preserving with it, but it isn’t great. I’ve a few plugins we’d rolled out that won’t work on the new one.

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Look, just because you tell people to turn the machine on and off and defer to Sanjay on anything more complex doesn’t mean you have a notion on how to set up the reading pane.

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Are lads still using email?

On a leadership course right now. I’m knocking it out of the park as the native speaker coming back from our breakout rooms & listing our KEY points.

