The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Wtf :rofl:


Rather than busting your hole for those lads I’d be lining up some ducks with a view to giving them the finger at the first opportunity.

Upon sourcing an alternative, respectable employer I’d get an old wreck of a laptop, cause a huge bust-up in front of everyone, smash the “laptop” off the desk and tell them to stick it up their holes.

You’ll be certain of Good Reply award here once you report with detail to include bad-language and overall reaction.

There’s 2 targets to aim for during these troubling times.


They offer promotions with a token pay rise and even sometimes offer a promotion with no pay rise. People accepting it only encourages them. The ambitious get an awful rimming.

I had to order a new mouse yesterday. Couldn’t be arsed expensing it but it’s €13 well spent.

Another win for The Man

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Going to work tonight. 12 hours. 2 whole flights to deal with :roll_eyes:

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I was allowed into work today for a while for the first time since we left, I had left a shitload of extremely useful stuff behind,
Things are about to get even better for @backinatracksuit, even got the work laptop AND the wireless mouse :grinning:


Your mickey will be red raw

I think you’re misunderstanding my job…

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That’s a farrago


Just off an All-Hands, mandatory WFH till Sept 14th.

I saw some of the procedures for return to office today. You’d be better off WFH

Which industry out of interest?


Registered a 31.9 degrees as I walked in this morning :see_no_evil:

I think I’m still alive anyway.

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You walking around in a vest again?


There’s an older guy on our team who seems to be gagging for a bit of company/interaction. Repeatedly suggesting video calls to discuss every banal work situation that could easily be covered off by a brief email. Married with grown up children, probably still has his communion money, never goes away or out and work seemingly satisfied his social needs up to now. You’d often hear him rehashing stories to different people in the kitchen or around the office throughout the day. He must be missing it something terrible.


You called, mate?

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