The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Aren’t same organisation in the SE renowned as a bunch of cunts?

They sure are

Will be there 2 years in July.

I’m in a safe enough industry I feel. When things do pick up we will be busier than ever.

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Just sounded like a red flag to me - remember hearing similar stories back in 2008 and lads were redundant within 6 months.

If you’re in a solid industry, you’ll be grand.

That sounds absolutely farcical.

Had to do a bit of scrambling to sort laptops for a few people but if you weren’t too fussy on spec you could get them, and I’m sure I don’t have the buying power of a US bank. Although perhaps it does seem to fit in with general malaise in the US towards the potential impacts of the virus.

Anyone with a half a notion could see what was coming from at least 3 weeks out. Most companies were running trial WFH days to identify gaps.

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Correct we started planning for it in our place the last week in February by March 16 it was 100% WFH

Yeah a lot of places are. They want half of leave taken before June or at least no cancellation of leave booked and some places are saying no holidays then allowed from September

Few contractors let go alright in my office but I’d expect they’ll be taken on again when things do pick up.

Worked out alright for one contractor in my office. He had a month left on his contract and he had told me, he wasn’t going to stay regardless of COVID. He got let go anyway. As he was let go he qualfied for the pandemic payment. He said if his contract ran out he wouldn’t have qualified for it.

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Dont understand this?

Use up your leave now while we have nothing for you to do I suppose. It’s a bit much having no leave from then on though. There’ll be Weddings on Tuesdays to catch up when we get out of this

On basis that things will get busy again so all hands on deck

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That’s a joke if that’s the case. This came up in our place this week. We are busy so they cant force people to take leave now (nobody wants to anyway) and will be huge operational risk for rest of year if everyone took their leave in space of 5 or 6 months. They wont let us carry unlimited leave either. Id say they will end up trying to buy it back from us

I believe there are some concerns around the timing of the professional exams as well. Organisations would have been doing resource planning around having x number of staff available, but potentially now you could have far more than expected off on study leave at the same time.

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Everyone will have to give a little I think. We can’t all go back in September and have a month left to take off

One of the Big 4 accounting firms announced a deferral of the annual bonus, salary increases and promotions today, according to my sources. Think their year goes from 1st July to 30 June so all these things usually take place annually in July.

Pushing them back to December seems like a reasonable result for most people. I’d say there was a fear of upfront salary cuts. Only exception is that promotions to partner will go ahead as planned. Partners don’t take a salary, rather they share in the profits of the business so these wily divils probably figured it was better to avoid paying a raft of hefty director level salaries. Get these fuckers to share the burden as partners.

Other thing was 5 days’ annual leave needs to be taken by the end of June and people need to apply for the rest of their annual leave in its entirety by a certain date. In that way, they’ll be able to see when there are potential clashes that need to be worked around.

They would be the second of them to do so then. One of them announced similar last week. You’d imagine they’ll all follow suit

My employers were on to me for years to get WFH access but I told i’d no laptop. Had to bite the bullet and told them I’d got one so got access before the lockdown. Had to buy my own mouse. Won’t be refunded either Asked the IT chap and he said they were told not to give anything out.


Don’t forget the telly they bought you.

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That would require spending money.

You really stuck it to The Man.,