The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Au contraire I was complimenting your floor👍

Well now I’m comfortable you’re not going to make fun of my floor, it’s a wooden floor of some type. It’s fairly slick and smooth rather than dry and dusty. You get a good roll of a ball or car on it, and crayon and marker stains can be scrubbed off. Mean posters might claim it’s almost got a laminated feel/look to it, but it’s a good auld solid floor.


Informative rating👍

I’ve done very little work today, truth be told. I’ve plenty done this week, so just took the foot off the gas a little.

I got a nice work-related compliment today, which I think is unfortunately a rarity in my workplace. A piece of work that I had been at for quite a while (I’d say 18 months+ from start to finish) has finally come to fruition. One of the lads over it, a fella whose work I’d respect and a man who wouldn’t be dishing out the compliments too easy, told me today that it was terrific and original work. Listen, at the risk of sounding needy or anything, that one genuine comment has given me a nice lift today. I’m going to do two hard hours now, and finish up by five at the latest. Enchiladas leftovers from last night ready for dinner, so it’ll be a grand handy evening. Might text herself to fire a few Peroni in the fridge.

Have a nice weekend all of you WFHers


I’ve a pain in my brain from listening to myself talk shite all day. Fuck off zoom

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Makes all the difference and costs nothing.


How do you think we feel listening to you every day mate ?

Just kidding. Have a nice weekend pal

Laminate is probably more expensive than timber id say

5 zoom calls today each about an hour :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Are you going to follow that up with a zoom quiz with your first cousins tonight like some of the absolute weirdos on here?


No that’s Sunday night

We’ve gone to 4 days a week, which necissitays me putting in for annual leave every Friday. Which is a pain in the hole as I’m losing leave days. But still I’m working every Friday. I have too much to do for 4 days.
But I guess there you are, you have to accept it and get on.
We’re being told July back to the office.
I can’t see back to the office until 2021.

Have been told we must take 2 weeks annual leave before the end of September.

Don’t forget to take your annual leave.
You need it eh eh eh for your own eh eh eh mental health. Ya mental health is a good one.
Don’t forget to take your annual leave.

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Why wouldn’t ye swallow that one? Ye’ve swallowed the lockdown yarn.

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Unlikely back to the office in any regular capacity until 2021 we’re being told. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be delighted my diesel beast isn’t harming the environment but @Tim_Riggins will be disappointed I can’t provide my trusted N11 TV ratings for the rest of this year


Same here. No push at all to go back. PPE will cost a fortune if the US offices are re-opened and that is a big consideration.

Does anyone know whether you have to upgrade your Zoom account (i.e. pay for it) to allow a conference call facility - i.e. for someone who for whatever reason wants to dial in rather than using the internet?

Ya I think you may need to have a business account.
You can then purchase dial numbers for whatever countries you want.

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Any chance this person would just cop the fuck on?