The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

A lot of them are of the more elderly variety.

That’s no excuse

Have also been told that if we do travel abroad we must isolate for the 14 days on return back to Ireland.

If the holiday was booked before March 6th then you will be paid as normal for the 14 days isolation.

If it was booked after March 6th then you will need to isolate at your own expense. Unpaid Leave or Taken out of annual leave.

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That would be sweet as a nut

My Photoshop skills will come in handy yet :sweat_smile:

Weekend booked in london, which wouldn’t originally have needed days off, but now I’ll need 14 days off afterwards. Your welcome


That’s bizarre. Presumably that will change as Ireland’s regulations change. Two weeks self isolation on return will not still be in place by July or August IMO. If the company require more than the government does it will have to be on their dime.

Easy spot the lads who have been “working from home” for the last few weeks anyway.

A lad in the office is in today for the first time since the end of March.

He’s after nodding off to sleep at his desk :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I’m a big supporter of all workplaces investing in the google style nap pods. I worked with a lad who used to nip off to the doctors office, on days he wasnt on site for a power nap. I had to cover hes excuses when the boss was looking for him

Lads on zoom calls with ever deepening tans

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This legend has put a 30-minute “chinwag” into my diary. Think he’s working through the office in rotation, having a few 15-30 minute chinwags per week. I’m sure he’ll have a number of pre-prepared witty takes on lockdown life, as we shoot the breeze.


He’s obviously first on the list to be fired. Don’t allow him to drag you down.

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Him and the lads asleep down the back of the zoom calls.

Who’s going to help you get online?

sounds like a decent old sort

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@Horsebox in twenty years time.


this lad is first against the wall tho when the cull hits
he’s probably ok tho - 20+ years service, so that’ll be 6 weeks for every year , plus 2 from the government ( tax free up to 200k maybe) , will give him VHI for another couple of years…
yeah - if he’s in his 50s and the mortgage done and kids raised he’s ok, still with the mortagage, kids in school - could be fucked he aint getting a job again- the old institutionalized water carrier role isnt part of the “new normal”

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1st day WFH in the new abode…broadband installed on Tuesday so no real change from previously just different surrounds

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In the new Adobe. Wha.

Just about to start a web meeting with 42 people in attendance. This should be a laugh