The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

First day not WFH since covid. Great to be back on the road


you back in town?

how was your bike ride?

The REITs will be down tomorrow. Anyone building a big office block will be shitting it

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Game is up for them now. As it is for a lot of overpriced convenience stores, coffee shops and lunch places.

Nope, had to head down to cork, bit I’m cycling to school with Madame. I’ll fire you up a pic of the new segregated cycle lane

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good on you

Just for everyone’s notice, this is not permanent and we will be back to normal by this time next year. Heads up before people make any long term financial decisions.

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Lovely. All you need now is a RGB mouse and the job is oxo :slight_smile:

WFH genie ain’t going back in the box my friend

It’s not but if people think they are going to work remotely full time they are dreaming. I’m getting people asking me if it’s ok for them to cancel their rentals and go back to the sticks to the parents. All I can say is “if you have good WiFi and can work remotely grand but the time will come when you will need to be in the office some days” . Surveys are showing that it’s the millennials who are struggling the most with WFH, they are missing the social interaction, having a coffee that kind of thing. Then on the other hand I have people desperate to get back to the office because WFH is doing their heads in. We’ll be looking at a hybrid solution.


Are they not the same hand? The otherhand would be those not wanting to go back in at all. You getting many of those?

The 5 day office week is however done.

Hot desking and office contractions is the future.

One is because they need a coffee friend - the other is to escape kids.

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Hot desking is buried for at least a year or more.

The day of set desks in an office is gone for a vast majority of the minion staff.

But hot desking isn’t the immediate solution right now. Covid compliance will ensure it’s not on the radar for a while yet and will.actually go backwards from the advances it had made.

For example, AXA HQ in Wolfe Tone St changed entire office to hotdesking not long before this covid cane along. They’ve to tear up.all those plans as you can’t have the risk of rotating people among stations

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Office what-nows?

Contraction in the size of an office. You will see organisation lease less floors, its already happening.

AXA need to get over themselves and get on with it. Tell their staff not to lick the mouse and they’ll be grand.

Well,.imagine brand damage alone if a case could be traced back to their office? People swapping desks, computers etc at this time would be seen as negligent.

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