The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Sounds like you want AXA to stay under the bed.

Sounds like you’re full of pony and no saddle.

Are you into the horsey horse? Another fucking weirdo.

There’s a mix. People with kids have more freedom to come back now that the schools are open. They want to come in just to work in a more stable environment. The younger wans are more into the social side of things. We’ve a process whereby we let people come into the office for an odd day if their internet is dodgy or if someone is drilling next door or if they just want a change. July & August on average about 10 people a day in. That was up to 25 last week once the schools opened. It’s really only IT dweebs with serious social difficulties who want to stay at home forever.


Yeah, it does seem apparent the vast majority would like a blend where not one or the other but can have option of either.

I would agree. There are a lot of real estate boys over here shitting themselves. But in the absence of a vaccine are you going to be comfortable just sitting on a hot desk when you don’t know who was sitting there the day before?

I sat on a toilet yesterday and I had no idea who was there before me…

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100%. A lot of managers who were micromanaging or who felt the need to have everyone in the office at all times will be told to do one now.


Sitting on it not a problem . Given your propensity to be sniffing the seats, you should book a covid swab pal

Who sniffs a seat? So you like horsey horse and you think everyone sniffs toilet seats?

I think you have some sort of issue mate.

The best management guru phase with be “on site working”

I don’t think anyone would have an issue with that

There is a train leaves Cork before 6am every morning (that used to be rammed) going to Dublin. Shit loads of people doing a day or two in Dublin. Manageable when you have a plan

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The phone was quite the innovation


People will have woken up about the virus yes but there’ll be no work and everyone will be broke.

Harsh on @Julio_Geordio

anyone who thinks they can achiever their tasks working 5 days from home is dispensable and not doing enough.

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Anyone who has to be seen in the office to justify their job is just a noise maker, doing fuck all and most likely the type that organises meetings when an email would do.


have you taken your nap yet, you’re very grouchy

I’m not an IT nerd, but I am anti social*. So I’ll have to take it on the chin.

*I’m very social really in real life. I just have no interest in what my work colleagues did at the weekend

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