The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

They’ve plenty of their own

I’ve every notification off anyway. You can’t get any sort of deep work done with distractions coming at you from multiple channels. The amount of needless noise out of some needy cunts is woeful :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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How’d you get the sheep trained up on it?

Get out of the fucking hedge you bollox
Sorry KP. Won’t happen again

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jesus man. Have some respect for yourself


Get your hand off the grill

The covid has sent some lads to places they’ll never return from.


Or like @EstebanSexface it sent them places, before they quickly returned again

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@Locke s golf forum?

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Ashutosh has figured out who I am and why I’m there and has gone into deflect mode.

I’ve just been told it will take 3 weeks to get me added to Active Directory and in to the environment :smiley:


Adding someone to AD is a big job


Tell him to get the finger out. Chop chop.

I’m going to work this evening. An actual place of work.

I will in my fuck. I can now bill for the next 3 weeks and do absolutely fuck all

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It will take weeks to get him into the “Contractors” OU.

this is just test/dev :smiley:

I popped into the office today between gym and haircut appointments. It’s great to go in now and then In the morning for the socially lubricating coffees and a bit of routine. I even grabbed a sandwich at lunchtime like it was 2005.

The city Centre needs to reinvent itself now. Close roads to traffic from Kildare Street to George’s Street and up to Camden Street from 6pm on weekdays and 2pm on weekends and create a bit of a place for people to eat and drink.

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Best of luck with it.

Is the tax situation complicated working from Ireland? Are you set up as an Irish or UK ltd company?

Ronan Glynn considers you a murderer

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are you with the revenue?

No, and no offence taken if you don’t elaborate.

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