The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

That was the view of Claire from the HR Suite on Morning Ireland this morning. Claire was dialling it in from Ballyheigue.

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It’ll be grand for lads to refuse to come into office due to being “nervous” once their Instagram doesn’t show them in Ryans at midnight

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Unfortunately they’ll be folks who don’t have your idyllic family life who’ll be looking to hide out from their family in the office. I’ve a similar battle at hand in my place as our WFH committee is on hiatus and there’s an information vacuum.


I deal with a few companies through my work, so far one has gone back fully and have been for months. All staff seem to be required to be in the office.

Another are back next week and pretty much requiring staff to return to the office on a full time basis.

The other company haven’t made an announcement but I would expect it to be a more flexible approach than the other two.

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Ms Locke had a conversation with one of her team members.

ML: Time to come back to the office. Two or three days is fine.
TM: I’m not going back. I live in Malahide and the office is in Blackrock.
ML: But you don’t have to go in every day, just 2/3 days.
TM: No way, it’s too far.
ML: Remind me again, how long are you with the company
TM: Over 20 years.
ML: Did you move out to Malahide during one of the Lockdowns?
TM: No, have been here 15 years. I’m still not going back…

Call ends.


Christ the Lockes are being mugged off by their subordinates left right and centre these days.


I don’t consider my 14 yr old son as a subordinate - he’s my son.


Wow, he really has you where he wants you

Not a standing desk but I’m happy with this setup @TheUlteriorMotive

Had to buy it via those cunts A****n

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The holiday is over, guys. Once the social distancing requirements are removed in October the jig is up.


The toothpaste does not go back into the tube.


Everyone will be back in their offices 5 days a week from November and rightly so.

We need to get the country moving again and can’t have lads flicking on their laptops from their bedrooms at 9.30am every morning eating bowls of Coco Pops.

I probably don’t need a standing desk - have one in office that I usually sit at but it’s a good habit to stand have some I might look at

Strava will be a goldmine for HR moving lads on


We have approval now to bring back 25% of the headcount from mid September. We did a survey of people for their desired work patterns post pandemic.

Only 10% of people plan to be in the office 3-5 days. That’s down from 65% before Covid.
Most people plan to be 1-3 days a week in the office.

Interestingly the % of people who are never in the office has decreased from 20% to 15% post C-19! (But we always had flexible working).

20% of people don’t live in the city any more (if they ever did).

The biggest factor for people is commuting time and lack of trust of public transport. Not having to travel to work is saving people up to two hours a day. Hard to turn your back on that to keep a martinet like Mrs Locke happy.


Watch out for those new friend invitations!

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here is what will happen
they will offer x2 options
in most cases one can choose either

  1. pernament onsite
  2. Hybrid arrangement
    in a very small number of cases full time remote will be a possibility but that will be rare

so lets explore options 1 and 2

  • if a fella wants to choose option 1 that will be his right to do so, most middle level management types on 70k will be back in as water coolers and coffee chats are their modus operandi.
  • option 2 in most instances will be documented and rolled out as office:home 3:2… now if one has a bit of cop on they know that this means if you keep your gob shut and get your shit done , are flexible to be onsite when The Man wants you to be then id say you’ll have no problem coming and going as you please…there will be fuckers tho who need certainty and will be looking for a group schedule of who is in and out for the next month, these people are dangerous…but by and large…itll be grand

Spot on

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these fuckers ( women usually) who need “certainty on the new arrangements” are a disaster for management and co workers alike and are the whole reason why compaines have to roll out new arrangements with protocol and what not - " well i wont online until 10 on Friday and you said you will cover now so…" and here is the issue… in a worst case this may migrate to a situation where Aoibheann and Deepika now are interpreting their " set" WFH days as days where everyone else needs to be onsite as they are " at home the kids" so they cant get it done…ergo- WFH is not working,

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no your employer cannot request vaccine status UNLESS you are requested to go on a BT.
ok- im assuming you are employed at a corporate power house and not the local lenondade stand- in this case "making your views known to you manager " mean diddly squat as he has zero influence up the food chain- directive will come from on high as to what the state of play will be- now maybe he was asked to facilitate a “conversation” with the team to make you guys feel part of the process but i sincerely doubt anyone has an opinion of any consequence here from the table you are sitting around