The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I can’t see people being compelled to do full week in office until at least next March…

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The office will be like a giant Petri dish.

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The women in the office who are always sick: will they return to the office and moan or stay at home hiding from the Omega variant?

If companies are mandating employees in having to work from the office, could employees who end having to isolate due to covid issues refuse to work from home during that period?

wtf? its a lovely cycle from Malahide to Blackrock


I’d say lads who can’t stand their families can’t wait to get back to spending 2 hours in the car and 9 hours at work and there no need for it.

Depends if you are in that day or not.

I work in an all male team these days. Outward aggressiveness instead of passive aggressiveness is a breath of fresh air.


none of us can judge any man tho and have no idea what is going on in a fella’s head
maybe that time in the car with the radio on is something a fella looks forward to or gives him a bit of solace, maybe it is what gets him thru a rough spot with the Mrs, maybe his home is not a happy place and he has teenage kids running amok- who knows but if a fella wants to do that ( sit in the car) the option should be there for him… now it’s not for me personally but there was a time when it wasnt a bad alternative


sure you judged the (usually women) who weren’t going in quick enough.

damn right i did

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the lad going in to a multinational, spending more time than his contracted hours, dobbing people in and licking the bosses hole is waaay more damaging in the long run than someone who wants clarification on what way a WFH plan will work.

A caveman

That’s why I think our place going for a compulsory day every two weeks and leaving it up to us to either come in or stay at home on the other days is ideal. It gives fuckers the freedom to come or go as befits their individual circumstances. I still can’t get over yer man on our team having listened to us extolling the virtues of wfh and how it’s been really beneficial glibly announcing he wants everyone back in full time just because.

I know, that’s exactly what I said to Ms. Locke. Plus it’s on the DART line ffs!

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i think its an issue for people house sharing where there are 4 people in the house & 1 kitchen table

Let those lads off back in to the office, not a bother. Let people who are comfortable at home stay at home, not a bother. Neither are huge problems to solve.

44 minutes on the dart FFS.

your missus should be asking the chap “do you really think this is the job for you?”

And he thinks to himself Bingo! and then innocently says “what ever do you mean ?”

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The seethe levels will be off the scales by December.

It’ll be great to see it.

cant see that gaining any traction in the WRC

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