The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

25k is nothing? Jaysus


I’m only on the wind up there mate,

It is impossible to get a few jobs done lately.

Need a wooden fence with concrete poles down but id say it’l be 2022 at this stage.

Fuck it.

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Lads only finished paying off the island and now moving onto the log cabins.


If you don’t know anybody it is. I got a fella to do a bit of fencing for me. He quoted the price a fortnight ago and he had to charge me about 15% extra cos the price of timber had gone up in the fortnight. And I know for a fact he wasn’t gouging me

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Conservatories, islands, decking, log cabins.


Thats true too. Timber has gone up in price bigtime sure. Evenings are getting darker now fuck it. Whats there will do until next year.

Conservatories were in the 90s.

Patios in the 00s.

Kitchen islands in the 10s.

And now we are onto backyard offices.


Don’t forget indoor bbq areas

Was talking to a landscaper lately he said he’s turning down work at this stage and there is nobody he can recommend. He said the money must be burning holes in peoples’ pockets.

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Theres never been as much cash around the place

It is unreal. Its almost like people know that you better spend the few pound now before the next shitshow.

Jokes aside, we had one crowd turn up straight away then to price the job. Very efficent nearly 24 hrs later kind of thing. They might have been the finest but I never rang them back.

Its a funny one.

Sure they be looking 5k to give you a price.

Not at all. They were the finest but I’d never go with the first quote.

Problem is getting a 2nd quote in the current climate. People are busy which is good tbf.

Erra, you’re never done with a house to be fair.

Tis all ahead of me :grimacing:

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Advice seems to be you need to ring them back and say it’s 15k or nothing.


Jones in donabate have a rake of them, take the kid to new bridge house

Working from home is class.

The best

Tuesday was the first time I was in an office in nearly two years and the first since I started with the current company last January. A fucking balls so it is… Up earlier, lunch prep and clothes prep not to mind the mask and social distancing shite. Home is where the heart is.