The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’m bringing in some of my crew on a voluntary basis from next Monday. I am hosting a Q&A session with them tomorrow. I am expecting a number of requests/demands to change job contracts to 100% WFH.

I might go in on Friday mid morning, as I’m meeting some men for dinner in town after work and it’d be handy if I was already in the city centre. A thing that is right - a group of male pals meeting up for dinner and drinks.


I can safely say I’ve never met male friends for dinner



Very bizarre carry on.


PM sent.


It would be great if @StoneCold could join you and your chums.

Hybrid model for people that it suits is probably ideal.

In fairness its nice to get out of the house too.

That comes with an * though I suppose if there is no one in there to meet.

That is who I got the quote through. It is a great set up out there. Shame the farm shop is very tight for space

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That’s the point, you need people coming in the same day as their team colleagues for it to have any benefit.

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People who don’t want WFH are people who can’t justify their existence without being in the office “looking” busy, calling pointless meetings etc. Time thieves basically. WFH is a death knell for middle management. They’ll fight it tooth and nail


Depends on the type of work too pal.

We’ve a few people in our place still gunning for WFH when it really isn’t the best option for us.

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We’ll be returning to the office soon and my default will be to go in and work from home the odd day. I don’t have a long commute and I like keeping work and home separate, I’m probably more productive in the office too.




Anyone not offering WFH will end up with an office full of the duds who aren’t doing enough actual work to justify themselves

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I think you’ve missed the point about separating work and home.

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If they can’t see it then they are in the wrong job.


Thats the Service for you.

I am interested to see what kind of a model companies come up with. Will it be 9-5 in the office/from home or will they allow some form of flexibility.

I would gladly go to the office 3 or 4 times a week if I could go for 5 or 6 hours a day. I have to get a toddler up and out the door for 7:30 and then normally have standard daily/weekly status calls from 7:30 to 9:30am each day. If the option to take these calls from home and then commute into the office that would very much suit me and would not inconvenience anyone else. Given the industry I am in I think it will be accommodated but I would think in a lot of places there won’t be that flexibility.

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I’m just sick of being in the house all day. Will be happy to go back to a 3/2 day office/home split