The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I saw it as I started reading down and subsequently sentenced my original reply to deletion


He doesn’t have his LinkedIn up to date

Work from home is absolutely great. I can go back to the office but there is absolutely no pressure to do so untiil the new year.

You can get a lot done on the aul hour lunch break and I think you’re far more productive afterwards too in comparison to sitting in a canteen talking shite to people.

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How do couples WFH find they’re getting on?

Riding midday regularly or slowly starting to hate each other?

You’d want a way to keep them in alright. They’d fuck off if they caught sight of something and wouldn’t be great for finding a way back.

Check the eyes and ears first, don’t take anything with cloudy eyes or ears that have gromits. Sign of bad health, check the teeth for health. Check the roof of the mouth as well for purebred coloring.

As far as health the racers could have any sort of an injury, give a quick rub around the joints and feet for pain.

As far as character and that they’re noble dogs and make great family pets


Good with kids? Or just wouldn’t be interested?

Fantastic with children. Real gentle. I wouldn’t take a nervous one as a pet.

What harm would they do? As I said, as long they weren’t disruptive.

If anyone is thinking about adopting a greyhound be sure and go through the IGRT.



Surely TNH. Who doesn’t trust who

Some of those dog rescue places are a big scam. “We found this poor fella this week, his coat hadn’t been maintained in quite some time, he had a sore paw, he’s smoking 20 major a day and he’s been working in a telesales call centre for less than minimum wage” please sign up to give us €20 a month so we can continue to pretend to do loads of really good work. People love dogs then, a pure soft touch.

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There was an animal charity that was basically renting out its fundraising permit.

Guys were committing to paying the charity x a month and in return they could keep whatever they fundraised using the charity brand.

This was a great page to follow for a while. Animal Haven Rescue was some place in Kerry, and I think it was an ex worker/volunteer trying to get the place shut down.

Basically they made up dogs and a load of lies about them to get money off kind hearted suckers

There are genuine ones out there that do really good work. I meet a woman here who fosters dogs for D.A.W.G.

Id be out with my fella and she’d often have 6 or 7 of them. And they all improve with her.

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I had somebody say they can’t come to the office today as their dog minder let them down

The new normal won’t be long changing

You need to listen to @glasagusban an let them bring the dog to the office.

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It actually did. There are a few couples out there with no kids who would treat the dog as their child.

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Wait til they claim the day as force majuere … that will complete a proper mugging off …

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