The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?


IT lads don’t have wives.


Bringing dogs to work :rofl:

Never take a freshly calved cow for granted….

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Have you few pens set up in the Garage :thinking:

I have tried twice to take dogs from a pound and twice the Cunts haven’t bothered to call & look at my residence.

A vet told me it’s nearly impossible get a dog from some of those charities. Can’t remember the exact reasoning.

Are the dogs there at all? All the fundraising etc goes to the pockets of the do gooders. Something like that I heard.

The like of Dogs Trust just want you to adopt a dog i.e send them money every month. They won’t re-home a dog to you.

There was a trend for a while in tech companies of bring your parents to work days.

An acquaintance of mine works for a company who make animal medications and other animal related products. He is based out of their office in Dundalk and he and many more of his colleagues bring their pets to work with them without issue

Has his dog two heads

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No, two mickeys


Twice the cunts blanked my advances…

First time was for the aul lad. They were shitting on about fencing and the rural house being on a quiet roadside. All this over the phone.
I explained that the dog was for a elderly man where it would be better kept than myself but they didn’t bother their holes calling to assess the place.

Second time I made a call about taking two dogs for my own residence. Again bollocks chat about fencing & location. Again, I’m in a rural setting. Asked would someone be there 24/7, to which I expanded on getting two to keep each other company when we wouldn’t be there.
Again no visit to assess the site.

The fuckers still send me emails looking for money though.



I’m considering a couple of retired greyhounds. Anything to steer clear of?

I was involved in helping a few trainers with greyhounds many moons ago and I always remember them as great natured dogs.

I’d imagine they’d make great pets for the space I have. Would they stay put generally or be fuckers for roaming?

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Very bad form to be fair, all you hear from them are pleas for abandoned dogs to go to homes where they’ll be looked after

I’ve heard they’re the best pets you can have a mate of mine got 2 of them a few years ago and he said they’re as placid as you can get and great company. He’s out the country as well and they’ve never roamed.

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I know there were issues last year with cunts robbing dogs & taking them from pounds etc only to put the poor animals up for sale on Donedeal.

My aul man loves his latest dog more than myself. Any dog would have landed in paradise with him tbh



Where do you stop ? Can a lad bring in his pet snake or monkey to the office if they feel like it ?

@TreatyStones was in there first with that gag