The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

If I’m not telling the boss I’m not telling the government

I was in town last Friday to do a bit of dranking and felt it was much much busier than any of my other recent jaunts.

CC @Batigol


You set that up beautifully

Stealing a dog for likes. Next level stuff


On a mission for likes before a thought of ringing the poor owner.

4 likes. Wuff justice

They know where he lives

You hardly snitched on the cousins

There goes the city centre economy.

No harm if you’re on a guaranteed salary like him.

My LinkedIn feed has been full of folk “overjoyed” at their long awaited return to their offices this week. Whether they’ve been forced to post the photos by their MNC employers I don’t know. It has certainly been encouraged.
Glynner has put them back in their box so to speak


The people sitting at home in their pyjamas drinking tea - like Nuala and Breda and @Julio_Geordio on Facebook - are delighted. They love lockdown.


Imho they can stay at home. My company is welcoming people back but put in no plans on capacity in shared areas like bathrooms and canteen that are still set up like 12 months ago woth maybe 20% capacity etc. They want to maintain current masks social distancing etc for a few months as they are over cautious while more people are in. Also no Christmas party ffs

Ah yeah I know that. It’s cringe though when you see the exact same posts from people on the exact same day saying the exact same positive message about the same MNC

A victory for the laptop classes. I can defer that 15 minute walk commute for another six months

When you listen to his reasoning, he mentions Influenza there as well. Which suggests this is what he wants it for Autumn and Winter forever.

Goes to show how short sighted they are with their advice.

LinkedIn is nawful place. I had to queue for the 1 urinal the other behind a fella I’ve never seen before as the other one has a black bag and notice closed for social distancing. I’m working there 18 months and never passed in that one.

Also the mask mother of God I’m not getting started. The company was supplying free bottled water to stop use of water fountains. That was stopped months ago due to the ridiculous costs associated with buying water for everyone. Its easy to change policy when suited

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These are bad but the personalised efforts are possibly cringier. I saw some wan post a picture of her work high heels after being chewed up by the dog. “That’ll teach me to leave them downstairs in the porch…I forgot after 18 months but it’s great to be back!!!” Lads posting pictures of dead plants and decayed pieces of food that were left in offices and drawers and stuff.


Lads giving out about offices being closed are now giving out about the manner in which people are returning.


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