The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’ve already negotiated my way into never going back into the office. The rest of ye can do what ye want


The dream ticket.

Here’s to naps

I just have to get to the second one being old enough for creche and then I can really start living/napping

Your life is about to change in ways you never thought possible. The post lunch nap before the 2-4 zoom block will increase your productivity by a factor of 10

If you can get in the 40 minute nap after elevenses you’ll be managing director by the next lockdown

I do an hour in the morning from around seven powering through the emails and watching paw patrol. Once the young fella is in creche as well I won’t need to bother with emails and will be able to give Paw Patrol my full concentration


season 4 starz GIF by Outlander

I think Bandage has been quite consistent on this point.

Sure the health service was in bits long before COVID (nothing at all to do with Mr Glynn). This way they can “protect it” every winter

Yeah on a separate note, Linkedin has gone to the dogs. I only ever log in once or twice a week but just seems to be full on cringe these days. Like posts mentioned above or a litany of these life stories of a hard done by person who have done well. “This is 4 year old Mary, Mary lost an eye aged 4…”. 15 paragraphs later…“I am Mary, now VP of XYZ ltd”.

There is a stink of shameless attention seeking and BS off most of them


The two lads bringing back the two halves of their breakfast roll like two long lost lovers reuniting a locket.


Between this and your appreciating mansion in leafy SCR you have me seething.

I heard some cunt last night make a gag to his mate about social pisstancing

I was fucking seething at the shite hawkery


Did your colleague find a dog minder yet or are they still skiving?

Id say you’ve fuck all etiquette at a urinal if you heard that. Standing up a fellas back and he trying to take a piss

You may need the wax cleaned out of your ears.

They were in a couple of days this week.

God knows.

Were you standing behind me at a urinal recently?

When I am the first you’ll know about it is when your arterial blood arcs onto the white tiled wall in front of you.

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There’ll be a line as long as the queue for the ladies. Get there early

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We’ve been bringing people back to the office on a voluntary basis for the last three weeks but the take up is slow enough. We have a desk booking system and what we see is people book a desk but don’t bother coming in. They probably book it with great intentions but waking up in the dark to catch a bus or a tram doesn’t sound too appealing and they stay in the cot.