The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Serious lack of forward planning there. And from legal firms as well??

Top top law firms. Their standard contracts I suppose.

No doubt the world has changed. Personally I’ll be happy to get back to the office more regularly, I enjoy the cycle to work and I like to finish work and have a clear separation between work and the rest of my life.


Depends on the company. I know mine, even pre Covid, actively monitors IP addresses due to paranoia about tax implications.

Our place is only allowing two weeks working abroad per annum following tax advice.

A girl I know has been quietly let go after spending the last 21 months working from Greece. Don’t know how she kept it up for that long :joy:


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Jaysus. Hopefully was worth it for her overall.

Think she had a personal reason to be there so if she got snared so be it.

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Sure what’s the issue if they’d no idea? Is it the tax thing?

Yeah I think so. She didn’t go into the ins and outs but just said they’d finally copped on to it.

Do they not have an IT department where she works ??

@Copper_pipe sorted her out with a VPN

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Need to get a new computer monitor, anyone able to reccomend something? Also can you get hdmi splitter that can hook up 2 screens to the laptop? I’m looking online & I’m not sure what i should be getting.

I’d say most solicitors could readily do their jobs remotely tbf



In or around d I suppose fagan

Back next week🙌 only for a day or 2 but it’s a start…looking forward to my extra sleep on the train already. Looks like we’ll ramp up a bit more after St Patrick’s weekend.

Yeah I think there will be a big expectation gap there between employers and employees. Lot of life has happened between now and then. Some people have relocated or may have had 2 kids in the intervening period. One fella I know spent a large sum of money on a timberframe garden work office and he has been told to come back. My circumstances of working at kitchen table listening to cocmelon nursery rhymes some days mean I will be happy to go back 2 or 3 days a week. Promotions and everything like that stalled in my place a bit so with more visibility maybe there will be more opportunities.


Cocomelon lasted all of 4 minutes in this house before I handed it a lifetime ban. We’re on a diet of Cúla 4 in the morning and CBeebies in the evening at the moment.

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And yet loads of they argued for and got an exemption from wfh rules and most/many of them kept their employees coming in all through

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The youngest is like a crack addict for Cocomelon. If she’s having a canipition just stick it on and it’s aaaaaalllllll good.

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