The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Do you still have the fan/mouse motion contraption to appear online :wink:

Is the span more or less than eight for managing a team of wdh warriors?

It’ll be all down to money at the end of the day. I presume a lot of these companies are tied in to long term leases for office space etc. They might try to buy their way out of it and look at the possibility of letting a lot of middle managers go. If the numbers work…

Talking inane shit to people i have nothing in common with in an office all day is something i dont fancy anymore. 1 day a week in office will do me.

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For specialists :slight_smile: 7-10 is a reasonable ratio.

I spent the Autumn coming up with a more winter friendly solution.

Lads delighted to show their employers that they can work from home full time. There’s no reason to hire someone in Ireland to fill your role in that case as we have some of the highest wage demands globally. The market mightn’t be as buoyant for employees in a few months time.


Is Umesh going to fly over from Bangalore to plug back in the network switch after the cleaner used the socket for her hoover?


The cleaner here can plug it back in. Remote hands.

There is tax implications in fairness. Particularly if a lad is called in to get a new laptop of a Monday morning and isnt on the island of Ireland.

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It could Umesh’s cousin?

A good few useless cunts in for a rude awaking soon :sweat_smile: bring it on


Some of these lads think they’re special

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Ozark at 11:00 in the morning after replying to a few emails.


You must be easily replaceable

The box sets are circling


God bless and good health to LinkedIn.

Some recruiter commuting by bus from fucking Kinnegad expressing giddiness at the return to the office.

Would you not prefer to be in bed in Westmeath like?



Of all the useless cunts in offices, recruiters are the worst.


I know two people (solicitors) who moved jobs while firms were full on working from home. New contracts said nothing about attending in the office and they’ve been wfh since they started, both have since moved out of Dublin and have no intention of attending an office again. Lot of companies will get a rude awakening and have to revise their expectations I’d say.

Any lad not booking an air b n b for the summer in Portugal needs their head examined. Fire up the laptop on the terrace and away you go

I reckon lads will get away with it this summer before it’s nipped in the bud.

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