The Winning Streak Thread

You hold parties for your calves?

Did this happen?

I only saw the spinning the wheel part


An outstanding array of check shirts in the crowd tonight.

I am actually in a taxi right now and watching it :joy::joy:

Joan up to spin the wheel here.

Sinead wearing a jacket made of Christmas paper

She def was a looker back in the day .

Marty Whelan is a cā€¦t can often be spotted in supervalu killester doing his shopping and chatting shit to the local dinosaurs who have worked in the shop years

Why was this bothering you at 3 30 in the morning? is the question here .

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How does this make him a cunt?

Yes it been bothering me years

Her luck is in, any relation @caulifloweredneanderthal?

I was on its sister show years ago(the big money game show)and there was a woman on for her third timeā€¦an auld Scruffy one from Dublinā€¦
It was an experienceā€¦

No, thatā€™s a different part of the county, closer to @carryharry country

Iā€™d say she spent the ā‚¬40k on scratch cards


Nice win there for Sharon who go ā‚¬75k on the big wheel.

The ball landed next to the ā‚¬250k slot :hushed:


That is magnificent.