The Winter Flu 2017/18 vs Covid 19 Thread

I get the jab every year. I’m at that age now.

How many took flu jab in that time period?

Think uptake is usually 20% which is nearly all the elderly, people with underlying health conditions and frontline healthcare workers.

I’ve never got the flu jab myself, have you?

I have.

Covid with 91 extra deaths for Feb v Winter Flu 17/18.

Overall excess deaths for Covid Dec-Feb is 209.

Highly confident that winter flu will have that gap closed down again by March.

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Concluding figures have 120 more excess deaths during the Covid winter season of 20/21 vs the Winter flu season of 17/18

297 more deaths in Dec 20 than Dec 17
179 less deaths in Jan 21 than Jan 18
91 more deaths in Feb 21 than Feb 18
89 less deaths in Mar 21 than Mar 18

Is that from It is an absolute disgrace that Ireland is the only country in the EU not to record deaths properly and report them.


Figures taken from NISRA.

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With a vaccine jab available then surely once the vulnerable categories are done every winter then the job should be oxo.

We accepted the flu causing deaths and clogging up the hospitals every winter so why wouldn’t we accept that with Covid?

Thanks. If you look at April 2020 - March 2021, the Covid era, versus the same period in 2017/18, deaths are 18150 versus 16422, an increase of 1728 or 10.5%. I think that’s around the EU average, the UK was 15%, the high 19% for Spain, and the low 0% for Norway. That’s slightly misleading as January 2017 was higher than both April 2020 and January 2021, the two worst months for Covid deaths everywhere.

17/18 was a bad flu season but if you recall back to then it might have got a little column on page 17 on a daily newspaper 2 months after the fact. Nobody really batted an eyelid at the time.

And that was with a flu jab that was deployed in advance (one of the reasons for the high deaths was that it was not effective). But it is an interesting sight, if we called this a bad flu seasons last year would we have had the mass hysteria and restrictions due to it? Now there is a vaccine for the next seasonal wave, surely it should mean that we can just get on with things, vaccinate the at risk groups and get back to normal?

Sadly that looks like a pipedream.

So why did the Covid zealots not care about flu?

Is this a national scandal that people were allowed die every year in huge numbers during winter flu season and governments and health officials were happy not to do anything about this?

Why did the flu deniers like @mikehunt say nothing?

I take a yearly flu jab and took the Covid jab. Consistent approach to both. You’re very erratic these days.

Why are you a flu denier?

Why would I take the flu jab if I denied flu existed? That’d be a bit mental. A bit like you moaning about the roll out of a vaccine that u won’t take.

You never called for lockdowns and restrictions with flu.

Bizarre contradiction when deaths peaked every winter flu season.

The vaccine is here now. You think I’m calling for restrictions to continue but that’s because you’re a tad erratic and incapable of understanding my posts.

The asexual Mama’s boy is the most jabbed individual on this forum. Takes constant headshots. And posts like somebody in a state of permanent concussion.

He got very annoyed when I informed him I take the yearly flu jab.

You don’t even understand your posts, mate. Little chance of anyone else.

You still only want to compare Sweden with two other countries and want to compare NZ to countries halfway across the world.

You’ve been a big advocate of lockdowns and restrictions. Then again you have been championing and cheerleading Sidney on this forum so clearly you are a big fan of crackpots.