The Winter Flu 2017/18 vs Covid 19 Thread

I wouldn’t mind but it’s not even difficult. You are unable or just refuse to accept basic facts, either way, you’re quite a strange individual.

You see this is the problem. You are regurgitating something as a basic fact, something that is quite clearly factually incorrect, something you would have found out quickly if you had any sort of critical mind. Instead you fell for it hook, line and sinker.

From the NHS website on flu jab

“Having the flu vaccine will also stop you spreading flu to other people who may be more at risk of serious problems from flu.”

Totally contradicts your opinion on vaccines. You obviously disagree as it shows you up as being the “I’m alright Jack” type of person we all know you are. You likely disagree with any general consensus if it impinges on your beliefs/life. Probably doesn’t even have to impact those things. You’re just a bit of a gronk.

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Well done Mike.

You regurgitating stuff you take down hook, like and sinker again without ever questioning if it’s valid or not.

You are proving that you’re a dullard. That’s my point, you are incapable of challenging anything.

That line from the NHS about the vaccine stopping you spreading flu is factually incorrect, if you had any intelligence you’d know that.

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