The Wishing You A Merry Christmas Thread - aka The Nice Post Thread

**[quote=“Rintintin, post:776, topic:13462, full:true”]
One more half day at the coalface left tomorrow, but I’ve hit the Punk IPA regardless. I wish @Mac was here so we could have a drunken fight. What a year we have experienced. Happy Christmas and best wishes for the new year to all. Let’s hope next year will be far more prosperous. To all those who lost loved ones or are suffering with mental health issues due to this pandemic I especially wish you well and hope that 2021 will be a year for healing…and drinking the shit out of it. To all a good night. !!

@myboyblue mullach_Ide @farmerinthecity Fagan_ODowd @TreatyStones julio_Geordio @balbec The_Selfish_Giant Bandage HBV artfoley @Mac kinvarasPassion Tassotti Juhniallio gilgamboa labane1917 backinatracksuit flattythehurdler @Fran @Sidney TheUlteriorMotive @thedancingbaby dodgy_keeper @Copper_pipe Raylan @Nembo_Kid Matty_Hislop @carryharry Watchyourtoes ciarancareyshurlingarmy @Smark @Rocko caulifloweredneanderthal iron_mike Funtime mickee321 GeoffreyBoycott maroonandwhite Special_Olympiakos ProjectX glasagusban Spidey Chucks_Nwoko chocolateMice Appendage @caoimhaoin Gman Breaking_my_balls Tim_Riggins Ebeneezer_Goode Horsebox @briantinnion mikehunt Massey Turenne the_man_himself alf_stewart tallback habanerocat The_Most_Infamous Lazarus @fenwaypark Big_Mick_McCarthy Bartholemew_the_Ladd Captainshan Boxtyeater @Locke Watch_The_Break tazdedub feck_it Esso_Oil RayDonovan cmontofuck croppy_boy ClarkeyCat Aristotle count_of_monte_crist braz83 Brimmer_Bradley SHANNONSIDER manaboutdog Onthesod cluaindiuic HfromHandW manbehindthewire Manuel_Zelaya PhattPike Crutches Gary_Birtles_Lovechi FatChops Piles_Hussain Phil_Leotardo Arseboxin Jimmy_Mc_Nulty scumpot Flano.

About time you cunt

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Good man you thundering cunt.

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Many happy returns @Rintintin

Never mind the departed/lapsed/suspended posters, it’s the regulars who’ve been overlooked that you’d feel worse for. The sunny South East will rightfully bemoan a bad week, defeat on Sunday and now the final nail - ignored in RTT’s annual message.
These Limerick lads need admonishing occasionally.

We’re like a bold dog. Admonish all you want but we wont give a fuck and carry on regardless

Many happy returns @Rintintin

I’d like to see a few posts in the Dance Classic thread too pls.

Sign in @Rintintin we need you to save Christmas.


Evening all. A little late to proceedings but its been a long long week. Stuck in lockdown with 43 children after one of them managed to bring it home from school. All is good on the health front now and just relaxing to a nice can of Sierra Nevada after cooking up a storm for the last 6hrs . BTW I kicked covids hole. Tis but a scratch. … There will be no names but one mentioned this this year and that goes put to my good pal bandage after I hear he drove on an outrageous half marathon time recently. Great stuff Pal. Keep on trucking.

Merry Christmas one and all. Keep doing what ye are doing. 2022 is gonna be rapid kid. It’ll be the end of all signs of restrictions etc (from about paddy’s day) much love compadres, Feliz Navidad a d best wishes for a cracking new year. Peace out.



Merry Christmas @Rintintin you raver man :clap::+1:

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It’s been a difficult year, definitely the strangest we’ve lived through, but we’re (nearly) all still here, at each other’s throats but uniting when needs be, look out for each other in our own way.
Hope everybody has a lovely Chtistmas day, if things are good then look out for somebody who isn’t doing so well at this time of year,

Merry Christmas

I’ll call the truce to last till teatime on Stephenses


Many happy returns

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Happy Christmas @backinatracksuit and @Rintintin


Happy Christmas @anon98850436

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Happy Christmas @Funtime


I’m alright Jack

Happy Christmas @Rintintin @backinatracksuit and everyone else.

A mad year in many ways but we keep ploughing on.


Ah great to see you posting and thanks for the shout out, pal. :+1:

A very merry Christmas to you & yours. :christmas_tree::tada::handshake:

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Close the pubs.

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Happy Christmas @Rintintin