The Wolfe Tones

Do you think people who sing ‘You and I are gonna Live Forever’ when singing the Oasis song actually think they’re going to Live Forever?


By the way I don’t mean to belittle those involved in the War of Independence who actually put their lives on the line for the cause.

Or people who shout “Up the Pool” are supporting the killing of those Juventus fans in Heysel


You’re seriously making that comparison as a point?

Bloody hell.

You’re the one who said words have meaning so its a fair question :person_shrugging:

Too late, you’ve shamed them forever.

One of the major reasons the War of Independence stopped in the summer of 1921 was because the people of the country couldn’t take any more of war. The people who waged that war finished the job in smoky rooms in Downing Street.

The Provos went on for 27 years with not a single hope of coming anywhere close to winning and 26 years later are no nearer getting what they wanted.

Words have meaning

Until it contradicts my point, then they have no meaning


When it’s in relation to a terrorist organisation they do. They have inherent meaning because they’re political words.

Do you think the words Kill All Taigs have meaning?

So words only have meaning in songs about terrorists?

What is the argument for why people should sing “Up The Ra”?

When the families of victims of IRA terrorism object to the chant, should people listen to them?

Stupid argument from you really. The people singing it don’t mean that, you know that.

But that would be to say that “Kill All Taigs” or “Up The UVF” has no meaning.

It would be to say that the people chanting “lock her up” or “build that wall” or “execute Fauci” don’t mean what they say when they obviously do mean what they say.

There are a whole load of people who told us Putin wasn’t serious about invading Ukraine when it was obvious through his words that he was.

It would be to say that Paul McCartney was not in fact expressing a wish for Irish unification when he sang “Give Ireland Back To The Irish”.

Up the Ra only means one thing.

You’re doing a great job of not answering the questions you’re being asked and then just responding with your own questions

Your posts are stupid. You’re comparing a pop song with an explicitly political song meant to express support for a terrorist organisation.

It’s like saying that Bosco is the same as Ian Paisley.

That’s a dogs dinner of a post. Anyway you’re entirely wrong, people singing this in Ireland don’t mean what you’re imputing. It’s insensitive and they should “do better” but I’d say no one, or at least almost no one, sings with that intent.

What do they mean, so?

Let the people sing.

I know young lads that were at EP, went to see The Wolfe Tones and wouldn’t have a notion about the troubles. They are singing along to a very catchy chorus in a crowd.

We know how this goes. You just keep shouting you’re right until most other posters give up and you’re left arguing with the usual suspects.


So why are so many objecting when they’re told they need to learn their history?