The Wolfe Tones

I used to sing down in the Tube Station at midnight when I was down in the Tube Station at midnight.

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The War of Independence IRA largely had the support of the people in their aims. The Provos didn’t.

The War of Independence IRA stopped fighting after two years. The Provos carried on for 27 years.

The War of Independence IRA had realistic hope of achieving their aims and largely did achieve their aims. The Provos achieved nothing.

The truth is the British Army were welcomed into Catholic areas in 1969. Was this an ideal situation? No. But it was better than the alternative. The Provos formed with the specific intention of driving the British out by force and creating a cycle of violence that would lead to a united Ireland. They had zero hope of achieving this and it took 27 years to get it through their skulls. They did succeed in creating the endless cycle of violence though, which was the only thing they were “successful” at.

It should be remembered as well that of the initial Provo Army Council, a majority weren’t even from the North, but from the Republic or England. They were playing high stakes games for kicks with communities they weren’t even part of.

It’s difficult to know where to start with this…,


No better man than somebody living in Poland for decades to tell me how out of touch with Ireland I am.

Those lads singing Oh Ah Up the Ra is pretty wrong.

No less than your experience of America, or driving, or what goes in in gah clubs etc etc etc


They would see it no different to people singing “E’s are good”

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America is the most culturally influential country in the world. America’s media is vast and open to all worldwide. The world is intimately familiar with what happens in America. In many cases, not least as demonstrated on this forum, those who live in America are the worst placed to comment on what is happening in it.

The young people of Ireland have savage respect for The Wolfe Tones.

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Paddy would be better off addressing why he calls Muslims “sand n****rs”.


Uncle nobbys steamboat is the greatest song of all time


An unusual metric by which to judge right and wrong.

I drove my Saracen through your garden last night

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Under just war theory, reasonable chance of success is one of the criteria required to be satisfied.

The War Of Independence clearly had that. The Provos’ campaign never had a chance of success.

Cheers mate

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The IRA descended quickly into terrorism mate, neither just war nor “achievements” as you put it come into play here. You’re miles off.

What’s wrong with that?