The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Well of course we’re all going to die. Some of us are lot closer to it than we thought is all.

There were 3 (Three) HSE reps in the T2 baggage hall this morning. 2 lads in their 50’s hiding behind stacks of leaflets and a lady standing in front of them who kept trying to make eye contact with passers by who had no interest in talking to her.

The cost to ordinary people for a Coronvirus test in the US $3270 (Three thousand, two hundred and seventy dollars). The free market NEVER fails.

In all seriousness though, the Italians actually know what they’re doing, the science-rejecting Yanks are clueless.

“Best heathcare in the world”, lolz.

You mean the Italians that sent the marathon runner home that went to hospital three times with his illness? He infected thirteen people directly one of which died.

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Just got my haircut by my regular Chinese barber. I’m really living on the edge.

You’re engaging with a nutcase who’s hoping for millions of American deaths so he can win some insane Internet argument going on in his head.

The CDC have already said all testing will be free of charge. The issue at the moment is the availability of kits which is a worldwide issue, production has to be ramped up quickly.

As always the US will be to the forefront fighting this disease and funding the development of a vaccine. While scumbags on the left are busy scoring political points.


The Deplorables

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They were there yesterday as well.

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Poor @anon7035031 has really lost the plot, his head is spinning. He can’t win on facts so he’s just resorted to claiming lefties want millions of people to die, as you do when you tie yourself in knots.

For the last month he’s been breathlessly warning about this potential pandemic and then yesterday, just because he was so desperate to protect Trump’s completely incompent handling of the issue, he threw his entire previous month’s postings and claimed the thing was no more serious than the flu. :grin:

Oh and there was that anti-Semitic stereotyping from him last night too, which was a bit unfortunate.

He’s losing, and he’s losing big here.

Murica :grin:

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Italy is testing on a massive scale because they’re actually taking this outbreak seriously.

Trump cut funding for his own CDC, ignored the advice of his own CDC, has fired 1600 government scientists over the last two years because he hates science, thinks the Coronavirus is a Democrat conspiracy, and put the lives of Americans at risk because he’s a moron.

Banana Republics hate whistleblowers. They threaten them, they intimidate them, they fire them. And that’s what the Trump regime does.

But, sure, hey, why listen to facts when you can listen to a Fox News-viewing, opioid addled chef from South Galway.

Facts are irrelevant here to right wing nut jobs.


Sums up a lot of posters here too.

Got masks, got hand sanitizer.



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This eejit probably just gave the virus to his daughter live on Fox News.

Italian guy in the job sent home today to self quarantine. His Italian house mate was sat within two rows of the the infected person in Belfast :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: and has been contacted by HSE.
Office getting deep cleaned over the weekend. I’m afraid I’ll have to self isolate also from Parkrun.



Nothing says “we’ve got this under control and are not absolutely shitting it” more than barring your top disease expert from speaking publicly.

The HIV superspreader of a vice-president has got this, yeah!

We must work in the same place got the exact same news today😷